Sunday, November 17, 2013

Controlling Apetite....

Controlling Apetite....

whats the best way you all have found to control hunger, weather it be a supplement or some other method? im dieting down for summer and finding my cravings to be insane this year for some reason and will power is barely holding out, ive tried increasing my water intake to give me the full feeling but its not really working out too well..... suggestions?

Fiber helps keep you full in my experience - fills up the stomach, but isn't digested. As for supplements, I've found ephedrine very effective at controlling cravings. YMMV of course.

shitloads of water and veggies/fiber

foods with higher satiety index. :shrug: I dunno what to tell ya...

water, physical activity. if you're doing something you won't think about eating when your body isn't really hungry like you might if you're watching tv. plus if you do decide to eat your activity will help burn the cals.

Drink lots of water, or no/low calorie liquids to fill your stomache. Then just do something to keep yourself occupied.

I got off of EC today. I'm hungry as FUUUUCK! i didn't kow it had this much of an effect on my appetite.

Oh, my body is below my setpoint I think. It sucks ass. :-|


Dont know if you have tried it yet but smaller potions spread out through out the day? Instead of eating normal portions 3 times a day try eating smaller portions 5 times a day.

pokesteve thats a good way to control cortisol I really should practice what I preach even if I dont know WTF i am talking about. You know what i have ate today? 1 6 inch subway turkey breast sandwhich. on white bread w 2 slices of cheese with letuce, tomato, bell pepers, onions, and jalepenos, 1 line of spicy mustard 1 line of light mayo. about 1 gal of water and a 20 oz pepsi. I still havent broken my morning caffine addiction I just dont feel right without it and I hate coffee. I need to get to sams and buy a bunch of tuna and boneless skinless chicken breasts BUT I dont get paid for another 11 days so I am stuck to what I have and I refuse to eat any of the garbage I have in the house right now. On the upside my maintenace is probably around 4000 cal a day and I only took in 700 ish calories on a high estimate. Thats it. IByourgoingtodie

pokesteve i know what its like being broke and trying to make progress.... tuna and whey protein are your friend, if nothing else, take a protein shake every few hours to keep your body digesting. I cant afford to buy the protein. I cant afford to do shit right now. I hate working for 6.50 a hour its so fucking gay. Im going to have to borrow money to make it to work until I get paid.


christophers well then stop dieting. arent u like 150 lb's. I've been fat for so long. I want to just see what its like being really low body fat. Just 6 more weeks of dieting. 2 of maintenance. Then a nice long 5 months of bulking.

veges, fiber, ephedrine. All pretty good results with.

take some hoodia and a glass of water. it works good

I dropped my calories relatively slowly. Im now just below 2000 per day and I have to force myself to eat even that. Right now, in fact, I am stuffed on a small cup of chilli and a chicken sandwich. If all else fails... clen

AznRyda I've been fat for so long. I want to just see what its like being really low body fat. Just 6 more weeks of dieting. 2 of maintenance. Then a nice long 5 months of bulking. 6 more weeks of dieting @ 150lbs? Please tell me you're 5'1'' or below

I just took a second job. I dont think im going to have much time to eat... First job is from 7am - 5pm second job from 5 pm - 9pm. first job weekends off second job saturday and sunday 9-5. I am going to have to get up at 5 am to work out.

nathanbx 6 more weeks of dieting @ 150lbs? Please tell me you're 5'1'' or below 5'6, 155. 15% bf (I am guessing) Body recomposition is individual. So whatever makes me happy and keeps me motivated.

Controlling Apetite....

1 comment:

  1. Avoid expensive meal plans, products and supplements. Not avoid carbohydrate foods, e.g. bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potatoes.

    Kopi Luwak


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