Sunday, January 5, 2014

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

I don't care about how big I am just as long as I'm strong. What good is it having size if you don't have strength.

I'm stronger than many people much larger than me... but often I wish I was bigger

im a bodybuilder so i care more about how i look than how strong i am. not saying i dont care about strength, it comes with the size ;x

DCCapen Looks> strength>size you keep telling yourself that little man

once i get past a certain point size wise, ill be with you. right now, i really would take 10 lbs of added muscle with no strength gain than a 15% increase to all my lifts with no size gain.

power > strength > looks >....*crickets* > size

christophers you cannot be powerful without strength. strength is the precursor my point was I'd rather be able to clean X than deadlift Y

christophers i can power clean 300+ and never power clean, ever FREAK

Size+Strength+Looks = win

I can get to incredible levels of strength without gaining size and I have a harder time putting on size but thankfully I don't want to. That's life when you are a giant in a forum of midgets.

What are some good routines for strength only? Westside?

Mike McDermott Yeah, that works the stabilizers! Surfs up, bro. that first picture almost looke like an Inch dumbell. if so.

Incog91 I can get to incredible levels of strength without gaining size and I have a harder time putting on size but thankfully I don't want to. That's life when you are a giant in a forum of midgets. shut the fuck up douche bag

at some point in my life i want to compete at under 150 pounds. right now im at 225 bench 315 squat and 365 deadlift but theyve gone down since im workin 16 hours a day between 2 jobs.

Mike McDermott no it isn't still looks like a thick handled db

i care about strength more than size until i can deadlift/squat at least 400. Then ill probly go the BB route

princess0fdiabl0 i care about strength more than size until i can deadlift/squat at least 400. Then ill probly go the BB route those numbers are soo unimpressive

Strength is #1 in my book. I don't care how I look. It's like Christian Thibadaeu said: "Train for power, everything else is just gay porn." GFH motherfuckers. Read Christopher's user text.

i have a hard time losing weight, so i am concentrating on upping the weight i can lift!

Blue=Gay I don't care about how big I am just as long as I'm strong. What good is it having size if you don't have strength. if your 180 benching 500 and im 240 benching 300 im still gonna bitch slap you right off the planet. You think otherwise then find someone alot bigger then you but weaker in the gym and start a wrestling match with him. And saying what you said is just an excuse, cause you cant get big you just say "I would rather be strong" Well 99% of the time its not one without the other so you must still be weak.

christophers people who dont think you can achieve both at a decent rate are people i honestly feel sorry for. fucking chris....amen

you're seriously only benching 300?

tize not really for a bber really tize, my training partner is 179 right now at 5% and deaded 405 for 7 last night then followed it with 315 BB rows and weighted pullups with a 45. Hes a pretty weak BB"er Point is hes doing his first show this year, hes an average joe in my world, hes not a genetic god yet he will out lift 99% on here easily

SteveO you're seriously only benching 300? me I use 300 for behind the head presses for 6-8, I wasnt using me as an example. I would make a better powerlifter then BB'er to be honest. Just no one around here thats any good to teach me.

superbri007 Brandon is 179 he was 184 when you were there, thats what a properly built person looks like, you saw him repping 225 for 12 at that weight on the incline

I care about strength more than size *CREW SIGN IN*

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