Tuesday, November 19, 2013

No more cardio?

No more cardio?

What do you guys think about this article? http://www.superslow.com/articles/why_not_aerobics.html

1lb of muscle does not burn 75-100 calories a day. Newer theories shows it is probably more like 5-15 cal/day. http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=1677071

I don't think much of the article you posted. Cardio For Bodybuilders "... Sorry guys, but to be a champion in contemporary bodybuilding, one must do cardio. Cardio was not that important back in 1970s and 80s, but it is today. In the early 80's, the average Olympian competitor weighed in around 190 pounds. Today, that figure is over 220. Athletes are not only bigger and more massive, but they also sharper and harder. A prime example is Frank Zane. When Zane competed he was tight, but he competed less than 180 pounds. Try coming in that tight at 225. Twenty years ago, it was about being big and cut. Today, you must be huge and shredded. ...." Bill & Torbjorn's Conversation "... TA: During the past few years, there has been a trend in bodybuilding to omit aerobic exercise. I guess it's partially because there have been some studies showing that resistance training alone is quite effective for burning fat.32 This, as you just mentioned, has led a lot of bodybuilders to think they should skip "cardio" and instead do more of what we do best-lift weights. I don't think this is a good idea, even though it will work for a small percentage of metabolically gifted individuals. A natural bodybuilder just can't handle more than four or five hours of intense weight training per week, but we need more exercise than this to burn fat on the cutting phase of my program. Some people fear that if they do aerobics at all, they'll lose muscle mass. This is not the case. Recent studies [using a sophisticated procedure called "stable isotopes"] have revealed that, "Although aerobic exercise may stimulate muscle breakdown, this does not result in a significant depletion of muscle mass because muscle protein synthesis is stimulated in recovery." ..." Learn why cardio is a must for bodybuilders and what these bodybuilding experts think about cardio. "... John:I'm old school. I've been competing since the 1980's. Back then, cardio wasn't as important as it is today. This past year was the first time that I ever used it as a tool. Prior to beginning my competition diet, I was doing 30 minutes of cardio. Once I started preparing for my show, I increased my time to 60 minutes. I've never done more than an hour. Don't need to. Andre:60 minutes? During the final 6 weeks of my contest prep, I was doing up to 2 hours of cardio a day, an hour in the morning and another hour in the evening. In the off-season, I'll keep it at 30 minutes a day, four days a week. Andrew:Like you John, I never did a lot of cardio in the past. But Steve Weinberger at Bev Francis' Gold's Gym encouraged me to do more and it has paid off. My routine is like yours Andre. I do cardio twice a day, for a total of two hours. About 60 minutes on the treadmill in the morning and another 60 minutes or so on a stationary bike in the evening. In general, I set the treadmill on a 10% grade. When I'm 3 weeks out of the show, I'll bump up or tone back my cardio, depending on how I look in the mirror. ...." http://bodybuilding.com/cgi-bin/perl...ng=en&q=cardio

I think that this thread is about to be derailed.

No more cardio?

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