Monday, January 13, 2014

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

Any tips for faster recovery? Rest Ice Compression Elevation ? It was going good until I heard a big fucking CRAACK.

Rest is probably you best. Just take it easy and don't try to train again too early.

How do you make (reasonably) sure that this doesn't happen when doing deadlifts? Is there a golden rule of "make sure you can rep weight x a minimum of y times before trying to lift x + zkg!", ie "don't try 115kg before you can rep 110 10 times without problems!" ?

MrNamjama How do you make (reasonably) sure that this doesn't happen when doing deadlifts? Is there a golden rule of "make sure you can rep weight x a minimum of y times before trying to lift x + zkg!", ie "don't try 115kg before you can rep 110 10 times without problems!" ? No gym for home..... Seriously, there's a thread about squats and DL's. As long as you maintain good form, you should be alright.

If you don't complete the lift, move down in weight.

ice, then heat. try some kind of rub. i strained my back on DL's yesterday, but it's not so bad today. don't up the weights too much.

Ilyusha If you don't complete the lift, move down in weight. I completed it, its just my back is rocked right now. I know its going to be hurting tomorrow.

superbri007 @ user text I didn't recognize you for a bit just cause i didn't see the old AV Why hallo thar.. dude, happy extremely belated birthday.

it took me a while to get back into drinking after I turned 21.. I drink a few times a month now at clubs and lounges and such. My 21st birthday was the greatest thing to ever happen to me.. ever.

doubt it maybe in ten years, and by prescription only

Yea... gene therapy isn't exactly safe right now. Quite a few subjects have died on stuff we know far more about than the myostatin gene.

You heard a loud crack? Like bone cracking?

I think we can safely rule out a broken spine. Probably just some strained muscles and the popping was probably bursa sacs.

Take it easy for a few days. I would recommend eating a lot of bananas or mushrooms. Eat something with a lot of potassium.

depends on type of pain, I would say rest and some aniinflammatorys. How do use compression on a back?

I gave up deadlifting. Chance of injury is too high. I'll do it once in a blue moon, but it is not part of my routine now.

I fucked my back up today going for a new PR doing deadlifts

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