Monday, January 20, 2014

Hey guys....

Hey guys....

well i just got home from the hospital, this fucking sucks. I thought for sure my kidneys were letting go. I have had massive back pain, stomach cramps and pain, pissing out my ass all night and nasua. Hearts a little racey as well, most likely anxiety though. Turns out I have a very bad gastronal virus infection. And the stomach pain raidated to my back. They did tests on me, check my urine, bp, temp, everythings fine except he said my urine was all ketones and looked like I was starving myself LOL! Today was high carb up day and i went only after one meal since it wouldnt stay down. Im on some meds that seem to be helping but hopefully not hurting my condition. Im very weak and my joints kill and the medicen gives me bad headaches...but believe it or not Im still gonna try if im ok somewhat by sunday. If I miss even going to watch im gonna be heartbroken. I already kinda am but when i thought i was checking out I couldnt stop thinking about my baby girl and how selfish I am by hurting myself. But thank god im ok, i never do stupid shit either so it was kinda shock to feel this way. What damn luck...2 days out for christ sake. But im putting on pro tan and shaving and carbing up today as planned and gonna play it day by day. I will let ya know how it turns out

Do you know the cause of this? Hope you get better bud

ya its a virus, 3 people in my house got it, but im depleted and weak so it hit me like death

how early onset? was today the first day symptoms appeared? they should have attempted an antiviral like tamiflu....might have helped.

fuck man i am sorry to hear that, i know how hard you have been bustin your ass. i hope you get better and can make it on stage sunday.

Good luck.

Damn broly,I dont know what to tell you otther than keep at it, you have come a long way, Dont feel too bad random shit happens some times. Just kick its ass, and come back for seconds. GL

good luck mike! You'll pull thru, just two more days and you can rest up good. just be careful

hey, your health is your'll make the smart choice. Just becareful

Filmboy44 hey, your health is your'll make the smart choice. Just becareful Good luck and be careful. We're all pulling for ya

damn bro, just be safe ok? take care of yourself.

Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one?

Best of luck to ya

sorry man. shit happens. all I know to say is that it's all part of the game.

its ok, i spiked the competitions gatorade with exlax

Sorry to hear that man, hope you feel better.

ACURA TL-S Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one? My question too... Hope it works out for you somehow.

get well soon broham

Hope everything works out bro. Good luck.

Aww man thats some shitty news. I hope you get better soon man. Plus you totally owe me those pics you promised! All joking aside I hope you do get better and can at the very least make it to the show to watch.

Don't worry guys, if it comes down to it I'll take Mike's place on stage. I'll post my pics for you guys of the show, you wouldnt know the difference expect for the mole on Mike's left ass cheek.

joed1228 Don't worry guys, if it comes down to it I'll take Mike's place on stage. I'll post my pics for you guys of the show, you wouldnt know the difference expect for the mole on Mike's left ass cheek. thanks joe, your always there to help

ACURA TL-S Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one? hell yes bro, but im coming around actually more and more. Im on my 5th carb meal. With one to go and i havent shit or puked any out since 10 am. I think my nerves were shot also since I thought I fucked myself finally. But im trying to keep my spirts up and i will be on stage sunday unless im still this sick. We are warriors boys..remember that.

good luck mike

PurEvl ya its a virus, 3 people in my house got it, but im depleted and weak so it hit me like death thats the same shit i had. me and my 2 friends, joints hurts like FUCKING HELL, thats the worst part, but they shit and puked like crazy, it was the most draining feeling i've ever had.

Hey guys....

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