Sunday, January 12, 2014

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

What are your training routines and daily mile totals? I'm thinking about a 5K but since I'm in Engineering I don't exactly have the time to train except for the weekends.

lol yes you have the time. just go out in the morning and run 5 miles every day. 5k training isnt particularly rigorous. now if you want to actually do well, youll need to integrate speed work, tempo runs and long distance, but judging by your question, i think youll improve if you simply run.

I ran 7 miles yesterday. today my foot hurts.

JGatz914 lol yes you have the time. just go out in the morning and run 5 miles every day. 5k training isnt particularly rigorous. now if you want to actually do well, youll need to integrate speed work, tempo runs and long distance, but judging by your question, i think youll improve if you simply run. it shouldnt take you more than 20-30 mins for a noob to make a 5k run. (I was running 17-18 mins at meets and I sucked )As you get better you should up your training. Time yourself each time so that you can try beating your time, also add in longer runs and things like sprints, hills, stairs, etc.

I wouldn't consider the 5k a long distance run. It's fairly easy to train for though. As some mentioned, work in speed drills, and run 4-6 miles for conditioning. A 3.1 mile run is more of a dash than anything though.

Trail/ Long Distance Runners?

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