Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

Which one do you prefer? How does one translate into another? ie. 100lb dumbells = ___lb on there a rule of thumb?

this has been covered extensively - probably every other week do a search

i swear by the DB, and i think im the only one...but alternate db and bb

DB myself, but every 3 workouts i'm on the BB

I can't control my lifts as well as I'd like so the bigger weights are usually BB, lever or smith.. But I prefer DB for certain exercises

Filmboy44 DB myself, but every 3 workouts i'm on the BB me too

Perplexed This forum is starting to get annoying it's the boobs, isnt it? i told them to stay at home

Perplexed This forum is starting to get annoying Blasphemy.

db press fucks up my left shoulder. i prolly bring the dumbells too low. i do bb

I prefer DB because i like to go to failure and i rarely have a spot and it's easier than searching the gym for someone who can spot me everytime i want to do a set but if I have a spot I like BB because I can move more weight and i feel better about myself How does one translate into another? ie. 100lb dumbells = ___lb on there a rule of thumb? Generally people DB press less than they can BB press, but there's no general rule of thumb for how much...

I do bofe. Barbell for teh power, dumbbell to fill in the blanks.

i stick to db's because bb hurts my shoulder, but i'll screw around on it every once in a while with really light weight for old times sake.

Dumbell vs. Barbell press

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