Thursday, November 21, 2013

Critique mah!

Critique mah!

Bombs away! Current split: weights M-F, cardio M-S Monday: deads, leg press, pulldown, high cable row (4 sets, 8-12 reps); 35 minutes running, 10-25 minutes elliptical Tuesday: pushups, incline dbell press, flyes, ab work (4 sets, 8-12 reps); 35 minutes running Wednesday: myriad arms/shoulder work-light day- 4 sets, 10-15 reps; 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes walking Thursday: barbell squats, SLDLs, unilateral leg press(5 sets, 8-12 reps); 35 minutes running Friday: pulldown, incline dbell press, high cable row/barbell row, pushups/cable flye (4 sets, 8-12 reps); 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes walking Saturday: outside run or cardio at the gym I'm feeling in need of a change, this has more or less been my routine for six months, and while it ain't broke, change is good for the soul. I'm considering going to a more basic 4 day split, especially since I will be moving to Florida on or about June 1st and that would be easier to maintain during some craziness. NB: I'm doing pretty well lately, losing bodyfat slowwwly but at least enough I can tell for once; I want to keep up my running and my strength but I'll sacrifice a little bit either way if it gets me lower in the fat %.

I'd split up cardio and weight training.


you're leaving the greatest state ever for FL??? j/k what's your progress been on that routine?

damn that's alot of cardio..personally i would just lower cals a tad and maybe whipe out some of that cardio

looks pretty good to me, i do more cardio than that right now but i probably have more bf than you. if you are in pretty good shape maybe drop that sat and give yourself two full days off

If that ab work is crunches, 8-12 reps is not enough.

Socrates If that ab work is crunches, 8-12 reps is not enough. 8-12 is fine for abs

AznRyda I'd split up cardio and weight training. I would really like to. Maybe once I'm in a warmer state I can go back to running in the morning and lifting at night. It's just too freaking cold and dark up here and my gym has shit hours.

i usually do 6-8 intense reps for everything but crunches, which i do @ least 20 reps a set.

Jeg1983 8-12 is fine for abs 8-12 crunches wouldn't even get you tired.

tize i did 2 sets of 6 reps today with 30lbs behind my head Yeah, I can understand that. I just don't see how 8-12 reps of regular situps could get someone tired. Probably just me!

Socrates Yeah, I can understand that. I just don't see how 8-12 reps of regular situps could get someone tired. Probably just me! Who said anything about being tired? If your workout is structured around working to fatigue, great. Mine's not atm

Critique mah!

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