Saturday, January 18, 2014

Post your cardio here

Post your cardio here

yo guys ive been on a interval plan for a while now and im getting pretty bored of it, wanted to see what kind of cardio interval workouts you guys would recommend. here are some that im currently doing in my cardio workouts: (on an intense scale of 1-10 ex. 5 being jogging, and 10 being all out sprinting) cardio 1:min /level of intensity first 15 mins /5 (then ill start an interval cycle of sprint/jogging):next 20 seconds /10 next 40 seconds /6 etc... (and i'll repeat this interval 8 times) cardio 2:min /level of intensity 1-2/ 5 3 / 6 4 /7 5/ 8 6 /9 ...(one interval cycle) 7/ 5 8/ 6 etc.... (four interval cycles= roughly 20 mins)

why is this thread in spanish?

I ride the stationary bike 4 times a week at a HR of 160bmp for 30 min.

forum95 why is this thread in spanish? they only decent cardio is sex

i run 4-10km 4-5 nights a week. i play hockey/shinny. bike riding randomly... yea

Post your cardio here

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