Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hello to F&N

Hello to F&N

How's it going F&N? I decided to stop being a lurker, get a sub ,and make my frist post here. I don't have any progress pics for you right now but I have gained 25 pounds since January after reading up on bulking here. (160-185 at 5'11) Personal Bests for the big three are:Dead: 400 Bench: 200 Squat: 250 These are from highschool when I was on the powerlifting team in the 165 class and we did our deadlifts straddle Right Now Dead: 320 Bench:195 Squat: 245 Got a bit weaker due to laziness and lack of knowing what I'm doing. Will get some pics up soon.

Will do soon. My last final is in approximately 5 hours so I will be able to get back into my routine more consistently.

superbri007 i have one more week of classes then like 4 finals Yea I just finished all that bullshit and am currently ruining my diet with a 2 liter of mountain dew to stay awake and study for this anthropology crap. On the bright side summer is here and I plan on breaking 200 lbs here soon. Hopefully I don't get too fat since I used to be a Cross Country runner and when I don't look like an ethiopian I feel fat. I'm like a woman sometimes.

Yea today convo with mom :Mom: You're starting to look chunky Me: Mom: Well it's true Me: gonna go purge myself and run the minimarathon. Bye.

superbri007 slap her with your deltoid good idea

Hello to F&N

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