Monday, January 13, 2014

fuck getting hurt-

fuck getting hurt-

Man, I'm dying here... I broke my wrist in two places snowboarding at the end of Febuary, and I can't do shit for my upper body! I've been doing legs twice a week and some variation of abs everyday, but it's not enough!! I can't work out UB for 2 more weeks, and then it's light weight... My co-worker, an occupational therapist (I work in physical therapy), said it'd be another 3 months before I get back to where I was. Bullshit, I'm making it 2 months... As stated, FUCK getting hurt. Cliffs: me whining. Oh, BTW, I've never broken anything in my life since this...

yea i snowboard every week. really sucks boarding on lifting days, especially when you take a hard fall. like i did when tried jibbing a volkswagen last week.

I know how you feel as I type this with one hand.

I just take it easy and ride like a pussy

Leb_CRX I just take it easy and ride like a pussy yea but the seasons almost over go hard or go... lift

tize i broke my shit snowboarding in 7th grade, havent been back since. Yeah, I don't plan on going again- I live in CO, but it took me 22 years to try it, I think I can live without it!

Leb_CRX I just take it easy and ride like a pussy my new best friend

fuck getting hurt-

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