Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

Well I've come to a point in my life I want to improve my muscle mass without the use of any crap that will ruin any internal organs ( aka I wont do power protien shakes at all or steriods). I'm pretty average kid around stomach chest legs, not overweight little under weight ( wish I had a pic )... but my arm muscle mass is REALLY REALLY low. Anyone have any ideas of the best method to boost this? Right now I'm lifting weights every day for about 20 minutes doing sit ups push ups and the weights. Any help would be great

read the stickies. but bascially, lift heavy and eat alot. Oh, and there is absolutely nothing bad or dangerous about protein powder.

power protein shakes = kidney and lung failure. steroids = heart and testicular cancer

I've heard bad stories about some of the protein powders. Or maybe that is the energy drink powders. Anyways ok so eat and lift

PreemO power protein shakes = kidney and lung failure. does Nlarge2 count? http://gymratz.co.uk/bodybuilding-su...nts/item47.htm

so does your kidneys and liver get messed up when you eat a can of tuna or chicken breast or a steak? Just read stuff and become informed.

and do squats low and with out the damn pad on the bar.

you need to do some post cycle therapy if you're considering protein powder

Is this an ae?

Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead.

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. Oh my fucking god

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. BWAHHAHAHA!!

Dude, I am so with you on this. I tried drinking power protein shakes and for a while everything was going pretty great. After about 3 weeks of use I noticed that there was something wrong with my penis. So I went to the doctor and found out that I had protein-induced foreskin lesions. Fucking crazy shit man.. don't drink the protein shakes.

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. what brand?

Ilyusha Dude, I am so with you on this. I tried drinking power protein shakes and for a while everything was going pretty great. After about 3 weeks of use I noticed that there was something wrong with my penis. So I went to the doctor and found out that I had protein-induced foreskin lesions. Fucking crazy shit man.. don't drink the protein shakes. wtf...i thought i was the only one. i was just always too embarassed to bring it up to my parents, but my school nurse checked it out and said "yep, its definitely the protein". something about imbalanced amino acid synthesis messing with testosterone gains that affected my genital disformity... ilyusha, where is your doctor located? Pm me with their #. i need some medical attention...

Atenza6i wtf...i thought i was the only one. i was just always too embarassed to bring it up to my parents, but my school nurse checked it out and said "yep, its definitely the protein". something about imbalanced amino acid synthesis messing with testosterone gains that affected my genital disformity... ilyusha, where is your doctor located? Pm me with their #. i need some medical attention... PM sent. I think there needs to be something done.. like a warning on the labels or something.

You guys are awful.

I used to take protein but now I just stick to m1t.

Ilyusha PM sent. I think there needs to be something done.. like a warning on the labels or something. thanks. this is why i frickin love OT. from here, i learned how to take steroids safely while completely getting rid of my manboobs. my penis however, is turning into a clitoris. gosh, i hate this hormonal imbalance that protein put me on. i knew estrogen was really good for me, but i didnt think that too much of it would cause side effects. btw if you want some advice: 1. try not to take protein. it has lots of side effects. surprisingly, large amounts of lettuce will help tone your body. listen to me, i said tone. i know you want that. right? tone. dont forget it. 2. breathing technique is crucial. during the day if you focus on your breathing, making them deep breaths and full exhales, it actually helps you optimize the amount of calories burned when idle, while maximizing muscle growth. 3. take progress pictures of your penis. if you find it shrinking over time, cut down on the protein. especially if you see small scabs like ilyusha and i are experiencing. good luck bro, i hope to hear good news in a few days.

DCCapen My doctor told me that if I didnt quit drinking protein shakes he would report me to insurance and they wouldnt renew when the time came around you're joking right?

chlywly you're joking right? No. Dead serious. My doctor told me the same thing. I'm now on protein parole. They check my blood every week for traces of protein.

Gutrat No. Dead serious. My doctor told me the same thing. I'm now on protein parole. They check my blood every week for traces of protein. dude, just be glad someones helping you stay away from protein. i was so addicted to the protein shakes cuz they were so delicious, chunky and everything. until i started seeing the lesions...

Atenza6i dude, just be glad someones helping you stay away from protein. i was so addicted to the protein shakes cuz they were so delicious, chunky and everything. until i started seeing the lesions... I still get shaky when I walk by a GNC. I can't believe they let places like that stay in business.

curious, whats ae (serious question) stand for? it seems to be the equivelent of a "troll" on other forums.

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

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