Saturday, January 11, 2014



Or am I some kind of freak I'm 19, 5'7" and I weigh 145 lbs. I don't know what my body fat is. I am completely ripped though. I wouldn't lie as I want a legitimate answer, and I'm obviously not doing this to brag, but I'm really cut. I have never really worked out, and the only sit ups I have done were the ones I had to do to pass PE in HS, but I have really defined abs. Only recently have I started working out, I first started benching 130 30 times in sets of 10, and in a month I can comfortably bench 170 30 times and not get sore. My diet is terrible, whatever cereal is in the cupboard for breakfast, fast food/occasional deli sandwitch for lunch, and anything from spaghetti to steak for dinner with random snacks inbetween. I don't maintain a healthy diet at all, for now. Anyway, my main question is, is this genetics? I know not everyone can eat what they want, when they want and still ahve a body like mine. Is it all metabolism? I'm also kinda new to the working out thing, does anyone have any useful links to workout routines? I mainly want to do my upper body, but I want to keep my legs in proportion. Thanks in advance

uhh why are you doing 30 reps and 10 sets for bench. 300 reps on bench for a workout?

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing to be totally honest.

read the stickies. it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.

joy division read the stickies. it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.

you arent special you are skinny

joy division it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.


what a gay thread


DCCapen yea, you're a twig Uh, no shit. Why do you think I asked for advise?

i'm not sure i believe the 130 bench 30 times for sets of 10 at all when you first started working out at your size

What I meant was I put up 130 30 times, in 3 different sets, or whatever they're called. As I said before, I don't know what I'm doing.

Like 10 - 3 minute break - 10 more - 3 min - 10 more

A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE?

P7 What I meant was I put up 130 30 times, in 3 different sets, or whatever they're called. As I said before, I don't know what I'm doing. yeah. what you said before was 130 lbs 30 reps for 10 sets...which means you would have done it 300 times. i understand you now

SteveO A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE? dude i'm crunk but this is funny shita

+1 for more Bench Press, Curls and Ab workouts...

I don't know about you guys, but I'm obviously not doing this to brag, but I'm really cut made me laugh a little.

SteveO A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE?

Gutrat I don't know about you guys, but made me laugh a little. me too. I immediately had the urge to quote it.

I guess I'll take my questions to a legitimate forum from now on.

this forum is legitimate. if you didnt post a bunch of BS for us to laugh at then we wouldnt make fun of you. i think your question was better off i'm really skinny and defined and i started working out and my bench has gone up and i have a shitty diet. how do i stay so skinny? is this genetics?

I wonder if he gets lots of girls.

ryazbeck this forum is legitimate. if you didnt post a bunch of BS for us to laugh at then we wouldnt make fun of you. i think your question was better off i'm really skinny and defined and i started working out and my bench has gone up and i have a shitty diet. how do i stay so skinny? is this genetics? your age. i ate TONS everyday, anything and everything, maybe like 4000 calories or somehting very high, my diet wasn't clean, lots of jack and mcd, drank a lot and smoked, etc. my body fat was 12-13% and had six pack.. and im a female. its not like that for me any more. obviously, many years have passed by.


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