Friday, December 6, 2013

I need to gain weight

I need to gain weight

hey everyone. I currently play High school baseball and Im a catcher. The only problem is that I am too small. I am 5 feet 9 inches and I weigh 147 pounds. I am a junior by the way(11th grade). I am not worried about my height. What I am worried about is my weight. I have been working out forabout a year now and I have gained a little bit of muscle but not much. I have taken NO2 pills. I have taken Protein. I have taken muscle milk, and none of them seem to work for me. I have really started taking it serious now for about a week. I workout with my friend who really knows what he is doing, an he told me to get some weight gainer and NO explode, so i did. I really want to get up to at least 170 pounds by the end of the summer. I really need some help, so please tell me what I can do to get up to 170 pounds A.S.A.P.


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how much should I eat a day and wat?

Peety7 how much should I eat a day and wat? Ok seriously now......

maybe you should just eat more...

eat until you cant anymore then eat a lil bit more

i know this kid personally and i want someone to give him advice besides me him hearing that he needs to eat all the time from me so then he realizes that it is true.....ive tried and i think he needs to hear it from someone else like you alll who know what you are doing

Peety7 so please tell me what I can do to get up to 170 pounds A.S.A.P. lots of steriods

animal pak vitamins.

eat everything in sight. eat until you can't eat anymore. then pause for awhile.. and eat again. it's not like you have this special condition that doesnt allow you to gain weight. if you eat enough you will put on the lbs.

Peety7 how much should I eat a day and wat? 15,000 calories and 600 grams of protien

twofourtysx 15,000 calories and 600 grams of protien Thaat lol

Start with a minimum of 18 calories per pound of bodyweight. Get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. The rest doesn't mean jack shit. If you're still not gaining weight, jack the calories. Take a multi-vitamin. Supplement with whey as needed to hit your protein goals, but at a caloric excess like that you shouldn't have any trouble gettin all your protein from whole foods. Fuck the NO products and spend that money on food. Supplement essential fatty acids, fish oil and or flax oil.


thanks guys

i need a happy sad smiley... you have gotten serious in a week? that's your first problem...

see food diet.

seriously, eat like crazy. even if you're not hungry. say you go into your kitchen and look in your pantry. you see a new loaf of bread? get 4 slices, not 2, and get tons of peanut butter and jelly and make a quad-decker. something to wash it down. you see some milk. nope not good enough. get 3 scoops of whey and mix it in and use tha to wash it down. feels gross? go look for some spam. get 2 cans, open em up. be careful not to cut yourself. slice the spam in pieces, fry them on a skillet , go back to that loaf of bread. get a few more slices and make yourself some spam and mustard sandwiches. dessert? look in your freezer. 12 pack of haagan daz ice cream bars from costco? eat 6 of em. then eat the other 6. get the picture? good, now eat 8 eggs scrambled with olive oil.

You need to eat like mad. Supplements wouldn't hurt either.

lots of olive oil, fry everything in olive oil, fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, bread, seriously, its good. but remember, dont get the olive oil too hot otherwise it turns to trans fat. just make sure the OO isnt smoking, so like just above medium heat is good. get Extra Virgin Olive Oil, its the best for you

Cobra Commander i need a happy sad smiley... you have gotten serious in a week? that's your first problem... wats that suppossed to mean. What im saying is that I finally realized that I need to not only work out, but eat right in order to gain weight

I need to gain weight

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