Sunday, December 8, 2013

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think?

there's a ton of literature on the positive effects and general safety of creatine

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? Apparently you haven't read any studies.

ACURA TL-S Apparently you haven't read any studies. Hence the question.

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You mean, you never bothered to educate yourself before forming your opinion... wtg

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You didn't look very hard.

yes, yes i do.

christophers i dont understand the question. what "supplements"? aas? Stuff like 'natural growth hormone,' shit that you see at GNC. I mean, I would think that if the supplement in question actually worked it would be advertised as having clinically tested etc.

Creatine and protein is it. The suppliment industry is not regulated by the FDA, who knows what you are getting, they can say whatever they want in advertising and claims. Most studies done were performed by the company selling the product so draw your own conclusions.

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! Oh ya, I wasnt reffering to ephedrine or creatine or even whey or fish oils. I watched TUF the other night and there wa this hilarious ad with chuck lidell promoting some 'xyience' supplements, and I checked some of it out and they have like 'fat burning mix' but its ephedrine free.

DCCapen This thread is like someone going into a political debate and asking the people there to tell them about politics before he has anything of his own to say I would actually compare it more to reading a newspaper about politics before jumping to conclusions. A guy like christophers could tell me more in a couple minutes than I could possibly learn over hours and hours of research. I'm sorry, but your analogy is terrible.

pass the test please

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! read this, then read it again, then write it down, then read it tomorrow

christophers most otc supps have minimal at best effects, just get some tests if you want a real effect Where do I sign up for studies like this?

assuming the black spots are motor neurons, look at how much more robust they are in B than A; also the fiber's area has increased considerably. gonna be a lot more power generated after the test en..

what are the side effects of test?

christophers what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway)

Ceaze well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway) AV

iCe AV

GTPBR what are the side effects of test? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! Get the fuck out and never ever come back. In fact forget that you have ever been on F&N, reformate you computer and go back to using AOL.

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

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