Sunday, December 8, 2013

went up to 80's

went up to 80's

Increased my weight on my DB press to 80's. Love getting stronger.

nice work man sitting, or incline?

flat bench

i've never done those on a flat bench, i prefer the bar i usually only do them inclined since the bar kills my shoulders with that range of motion

my incline db press is at 65's since it hurts my shoulders

i just bumped my flat bench to 225 last night, ill have to try the db's next time to see how that works

i gotta try the bench for my max this week or next

bb i mean

Gamblor Increased my weight on my DB press to 80's. Love getting stronger. I know the feeling. How many reps? I can do about 5 with 85's.

with my shoulder probs i cant max out, don't want to risk another surgery for the sake of seeing how much i can do

Mugwump I know the feeling. How many reps? I can do about 5 with 85's. i did 65x8 70x8 75x8 75x8 80x7

Gamblor i did 65x8 70x8 75x8 75x8 80x7 Impressive. I remember watching some guy do 50 lb DB shoulder presses and thinking to myself that I'd never get that far. And here I am doing 65 lb presses. <--- still a lightweight but whatever

i miss working out stupid cold my bench has hit a wall though

congrats, i can only get about 3 reps on the 80s on a good day

what are the reasons for doing flatbench db's compared to a bar? i guess it works the smaller stability muscles but other than that what does it do?

cootercritter what are the reasons for doing flatbench db's compared to a bar? i guess it works the smaller stability muscles but other than that what does it do? You answered your own question.

iwishiwascool You answered your own question. .

i just find it more comfortable doing the db rather than the bar

NoXeN i miss working out stupid cold my bench has hit a wall though I hit a plateau a month or so ago. Try what I call "shock therapy," or overtraining your muscles for one week or so. An example of one of my shock therapies. Shock Therapy, Day 1: chest + tricep Barbell Chest Press 10 5 5 5 20 Barbell Tricep Press 10 5 5 5 20 Barbell Incline Press 10 5 5 5 20 Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension 10 5 5 5 20 Cable Fly 10 5 5 5 20 Shock Therapy, Day 2: chest + tricep Dumbbell Chest Press 10 5 5 5 20 Dumbbell Tricep Extension 10 5 5 5 20 Dumbbell Incline Press 10 5 5 5 20 Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension 10 5 5 5 20 Cable Fly 10 5 5 5 20 That's doing the same muscle group two days in a row. You want to "break" your muscles, but you don't want to injure them.

Gamblor Increased my weight on my DB press to 80's. Love getting stronger. damn you you are beating me by 5 lbs. i did 75 x 8 last time so tomrow when i do chest i am going to go for the 80's hopefully!!

Gamblor i just find it more comfortable doing the db rather than the bar db's give me a greeater range of motion.. i cant go down all the way with the bar because it bothers my shoulder so i like to use db's also

baseball17c damn you you are beating me by 5 lbs. i did 75 x 8 last time so tomrow when i do chest i am going to go for the 80's hopefully!! DO IT!!!

how long yuo been lifting? just curious

I have been on and off throughout college, i would work out for 2 months, then stop for 2, then go for 2 then stop for 2. I didn't really straighten my shit out until january when i found this F&N and it gave me motivation. I have been going strong since January 1st.

went up to 80's

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