Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Anyone tried NO2?

Anyone tried NO2?

anyone here tried NO2 yet? i just finished my first bottle of nitrixx by bsn , did see results in my vascularity. NO2 is sposed to do the same, wanted to know , for those taking NO2, hows it workin for you guys?

i heard it just allows more blood flow to your muscles causing you to only look bigger... i mean im not on it and it helps with more reps? so essentially just seems like a more expensive version of creatine...

save your money, dont buy it.

N02 is pretty much the best supplement ever made.

my workout buddy was on it for a while, it didnt seem to do anything

its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids.

ryazbeck its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids.

ryazbeck its pretty much like steroids but without the side effects of roids. We aren't talking about steel cut oats here...

joy division We aren't talking about steel cut oats here...

... Don't buy that shit. It doesn't do anything. NOTHING replaces hard work in the gym.

It does very little, money would be much better spent on creatine.

That shit is fucking stupid. You could spend the money on food and get way better gains.

first post is about no2....

Firstly I hope nobody on this forum buys NO products... But I hate it when I see idiots posting on other places asking for the best NO product, spending like 100$+ on them when they do nothing. did you miss that post?

from A colorless, poisonous gas, NO, produced as an intermediate during the manufacture of nitric acid from ammonia or atmospheric nitrogen and as a product of cellular metabolism. In the body, nitric oxide is involved in oxygen transport to the tissues, the transmission of nerve impulses, and other physiological activities. that is what nitric oxide is. that is what scuba divers get when they are underwater for too long. and if you want expanded veins as well go head and try it!

Anyone tried NO2?

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