Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

how to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches. Right now it is impossible to target fat loss in one specific area. My waist is 32 inches and I'm 6'6". You have a trainer and you do a lot of Olympic training. I'm guessing your cardio is sport specific, you run the field, laps around the track, plyometric endurance, etc.
When I'm doing cardio I want to maximize my muscle and minimize the fat. How do you do that?

  1. Maintain a positive nitrogen balance. You want your body to have adequate protein, amino acids and nutrients. You want anti-oxidants from fruits or you can take them from ALA capsules. I would recommend the tried and tested caffeine/ephedrine stack (start out with 200 mg of caffeine and 20 mg of ephedrine).

  2. Get lots of sleep.

  3. Don't stress = cortisol and that means holding fat.

  4.   In a test study scientists discovered elite soccer players would burn 300 g of carbohydrates in a full soccer game (roughly 2 hours). That means if you're training and playing lots of football you need to adjust your carbs for energy.

Now, to burn the fat you have to do cardio. LSD cardio. Long, Slow and distanced cardio. Bring the treadmill up to 6.0 or 7.0 and the speed at 3.6-4.0. This is a brisk walk on an incline and will insure you're burning calories. After doing around 2 hours a day I can burn 1100 calories this way. Do it in front of a TV or bring your iPOD if you're at the gym. It's boring as watching paint dry but that's the only way to do it. I have a treadmill at home and I now wake up at 4 am and do my cardio until 6 am. Off to work for 7am and workout during the day. Some days I'm done at 10 pm and may workout then. I always have a protein shake if I don't have time to eat a real meal. I have one cheat meal a week and I'm a foodie.

That means I write all my calories, fat, protein, carbs, sugars that I consume during the day. This is for everyone out there. Count everything you put in your mouth and log in your workouts and cardio and you'll see EXACTLY what's going in an out of your body.

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This website is amazing. How do you make it look this good !


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