Sunday, December 22, 2013

Zero carbs?

Zero carbs?

I cant seem to find anything on zero carbs on offtopic because of the millions of threads returned when searching for zero carbs and google doesnt return much either. Going to do a zero carb diet for 3 weeks, mostly protein and some clean fat. After 3 weeks go up to 5g for a week then 10g for a week etc. Anyone ever done an absolute 0 carbs per day diet? like only chicken, egg whites, tuna, pure protein shake in water, and a few select cheeses, etc.?

Wouldn't that like kill your energy? I get tons of energy from my morning protein shake, but I figured carbs would load you up on energy.

ryazbeck I cant seem to find anything on zero carbs on offtopic because of the millions of threads returned when searching for zero carbs and google doesnt return much either. Going to do a zero carb diet for 3 weeks, mostly protein and some clean fat. After 3 weeks go up to 5g for a week then 10g for a week etc. Anyone ever done an absolute 0 carbs per day diet? like only chicken, egg whites, tuna, pure protein shake in water, and a few select cheeses, etc.? I use it all the time when competeing, what do you look like? How much muscle you got, zero carbs isnt for normal everyday gym people. You will piss through muscle like water, unless your really fat

0 carbs for 3 weeks? you're going to last a few days then give up. you will feel like complete shit. why not just go on a normal diet?

jonno 0 carbs for 3 weeks? you're going to last a few days then give up. you will feel like complete shit. why not just go on a normal diet? Does 0 carbs make you lose a lot of energy?

6'1.5" about and 214lb. i'd say about 12-14%BF. i've dieted before, 800 - 1200 cals a day like 10 - 15g of carbs and about 5 - 10g of fat. with one cheat day a week for like 5 weeks before and went from 18% to 12% bf. i know what its like to have no energy and have to struggle through the day because of a hardcore diet. damn i thought the good thing about zero carb was that you wouldnt lose lots of fat.


look up my diet, I posted i a few days ago, get an idea from that

thats not too low carb though. i swear i've read in many places theres benefits to low carb or zero carb diets, i could make my own diet fine and do high carb, i've done it plenty, but im interested in zero carb. does anyone have any input on zero carb?

ryazbeck thats not too low carb though. i swear i've read in many places theres benefits to low carb or zero carb diets, i could make my own diet fine and do high carb, i've done it plenty, but im interested in zero carb. does anyone have any input on zero carb? 60 carbs 5 days a week? umm ok good luck

You'll find it extremely difficult to find things that are zero carb. Why would you want to do zero carb?

Davo You'll find it extremely difficult to find things that are zero carb. Why would you want to do zero carb? not really eat boiled chicken with brocolli all day, zero carbs, broc is fiberous doesnt effect you the way rice would

search for ketosis or keto diet

I've gone on near 0 carbs for weeks if not months. I was okay on it or at least I thought so. Though now that I go for a little higher carbs (50-100g) I realize the difference energy wise and in my workouts. Lose weight abit slower but probably maintain more muscle.

so you actually do lose a fair amount of muscle on 0 carb? I bulk really easy. and i've done 2 low cals diets, 800 - 1200 cals one was 5 - 15g carbs a day and i barely lose any muscle. i suppose i could just try it and after 1 week and 2 weeks see how much muscle i've lost. i think i may workout not so hard when im on this diet as well. and there are plenty of 0 carb foods, nothing wrong with eating lots of chicken breast and clean steak, egg whites, and muenster cheese.

KingGargantuan search for ketosis or keto diet this is what made me decide to do 0 carb diet.

timberwolf I've gone on near 0 carbs for weeks if not months. I was okay on it or at least I thought so. Though now that I go for a little higher carbs (50-100g) I realize the difference energy wise and in my workouts. Lose weight abit slower but probably maintain more muscle. wow. i could never go on near 0 carbs for months.

i read some guy's account about how he did 0 carb for 4 months and lost 60 pounds.

ryazbeck i read some guy's account about how he did 0 carb for 4 months and lost 60 pounds. he probably also weighed 300+

I don't see the point of zero carbs, especially if you live a fairly active lifestyle. Just eat fewer calories and you'll lose weight.

i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE

ryazbeck i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE Same way here bro. I think 1200 cal is way to low for someone your size though. But commend the attempt in the spirit of experimentation.

ryazbeck i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE If you are experimenting, then why do you need information? At the end of the experiment, you should see the results and be able to deduce whether or not it was a good idea in the first place.

hell yeah 1200 is way too fucking low for me, but i wanted to see how hardcore i could do it. i always try to find the fastest ways to lose fat but i do it kinda sloppy sometimes, like i did that and then just quit the diet cold and went back up to like 3k and barely gained any fat, its weird, my body is weird. i lost hardly ANY muscle at all on my 1200 cal diet either.

Zero carbs?

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