Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

...discuss. I'm more curious how everyone feels about it for us tall lanky lifters. And please, if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and can't back up what you say with more than just meathead evidence, then don't post.

i've always heard dont let the knees go more than about 1" beyond your toes. it works for me

Was kind of funny that article was on t-nation just as this thread is made. Good article though.

christophers, can I please get a link to that article? This post is an attempt to get an annoying "phys-ed major" (no I'm not joking, he went to college to be a gym teacher) that I went to high school with off my back. He just started going to my gym, and feels the need to critique my every move. I want to arrive on leg day this Thursday with some paperwork in case he intends to critique my squat, even though he admitted to me this morning while leg pressing that he hasn't worked legs in over a year.

great great writeup. after yrs of squatting bb style, ive decided to try pl style, ala legs out. wow. i have to give credit to pls. they are more flexible than you would assume. there is no way my hips thought they were meant to move that way! lol form, and proper lower back and hip development are important though, hence the reason for the suppl excercises like pull throughs or ghrs to help aid in this motion.

D-GUy Was kind of funny that article was on t-nation just as this thread is made. Good article though. Ah, nevermind. I did go there and ran a search, but it's broken and I didn't even check the new articles. Thanks!

Good work Christophers -- very informative.


i'm gay :kieke:

they go slightly beyond if your squatting properly, theres no real way otherwise. But too far is bad but you will know it if you do anyway. Try and squat where you feel the most comfortable, width, stance, etc. I tend to squat narrow and lean back and sit with weight more. Arch my back alittle, place the bar low on my traps, and on the way up i tend to thurst my hips forward to get the squeeze. I have tried all sorts of stances and this is what i like the best. Plus it caused the most growth for me. Also powerlifting style tends to widen the waist more and fatten the ass as well. This isnt a study though, just what i have learned for myself over the years

I think as you train the hammies you will be less like B when trying to keep your knees back. I know when I first started squating I would have to focus on not falling backwards when keeping my knees back, but now it is second nature. Although like everyone else said, I still move them a little in front of the toes.

Knees in front of toes whilest squatting...

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