Wednesday, November 20, 2013

reassessing my goals

reassessing my goals

ok, im about to start back hard again, i took about 4 weeks off(had been at it for about 10 months). I'm not goin to lie and say i was goin about it the right way, b/c i wasnt. but i want to start it off right this time. i had a 3-day split, chest/bi, back/tri, shoulders ibleghaters. i leave legs to cardio(swimming and running) lets take back/tri for example lat pulldown(bar) lat pulldown(singles) bent-over row(bar) bent-over row(db) ... you get the picture i do this b/c if i dont, i dont feel like i hit it hard enough. i do5 or six routines for back, and two or three for tri. am i doin it ok or should i find different/more routines. the problem with this is that i cant switch it up like should(not enough options) or should i just cut my routine down a lil. i only stay at the gym for about 1:20. not including cardio(i do that at another time)

BeanesCivic i want to start it off right this time. BeanesCivic i leave legs to cardio make up your mind.

evi1eddie make up your mind. Word. Either do legs properly or stop wasting everyone's time, brohammer. This isn't a fucking group effort here, padre, this is you and the fucking weights and your time and dedication. Do it right or stay home and swim laps in the bathtub for legs. Shit.

reassessing my goals

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