Friday, January 10, 2014



Whats OT's opinion on this? annnddd Whats the cheapest place to buy?

and you can search f&n

superbri007 1fast400 has somethign better then that, im looking for it. I read an article that N02 is bad for your DNA, its damaging Whoa... Damage your DNA? That's crazy. Is it just after long term use? So is that Noxidant better than No2 without the DNA damageing affects?

rebel Whats OT's opinion on this? My friend has been taking it for 3 months now. I haven't seen a difference in him. Don't buy it, is my opinon.

Newsflash, N02 does not damage your DNA strands. And NoOxidant is not an N02 alternative, its not even the same type of product, your supposed to take it WITH N02 to get better results. N02 and NoOxidant look like shit to me, buy some food instead.

Jeff Coleman N02 and NoOxidant look like shit to me, buy some food instead. GOOD call on that.

Soooo whats a good suppliment to take? No2, NoOxidant, Creatine?

rebel Soooo whats a good suppliment to take? No2, NoOxidant, Creatine? like they said, buy some food, supplements like these are pretty much pointless.

ryazbeck like they said, buy some food, supplements like these are pretty much pointless. no one said creatine is worthless it works for some and not for others but yes, you can start with food

well i duno, creatine is kinda expensive, i mean if it works for you and you can afford then more power to ya.

you can get monohydrate pretty cheap but i personally dont use it

buy a huge tub of l-aakg and call it a day


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