Friday, January 10, 2014

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..

I use 70 pounds 6 times... easy...

100 on incline for 6-8 a couple sets

Reppin 70s, 150lbs@5'8"

reppin 80's, 85's next week

95 did it 5 times , next week 100

90's, lifting for ~6.5 months.

My gym doesn't go over 100, so I'm stuck with those. I suck at DB anyway.


lurker#99 95 did it 5 times , next week 100 You probably wont put those up..


eh well... its good to see that people are still doing dbs

cavefish My gym doesn't go over 100, so I'm stuck with those. I suck at DB anyway. What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves?

Dr. Feel Good What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves? The YMCA.


Incline, 80s for 15 reps as of last week...

flat - 65x3 (this is after BB flat bench though) incline - 60x6 or 7 (also after BB flat)

Dr. Feel Good What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves? My university gym? A lot of gyms don't go over 100 actually.

flat 130x3, incline 115x4 (assist on first rep)

60x5, im weak 50x5 incline

Flat 60x3 barely. That's after a few other sets though but I'm still a weak sonofabitch.

55 x 5, Still haven't seen anyone use the 200's in my gym

NickStam 55 x 5, Still haven't seen anyone use the 200's in my gym and you more than likely never will

up the weight then if its easy

Ilyusha The YMCA. my ymca has 130s...

only at the 70's which is the max that my DB handles will hold....gonna have to start going to the UH gym on chest days i guess

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..

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