Saturday, January 11, 2014

kinda embarrassing but has this happened to you at the gym?

kinda embarrassing but has this happened to you at the gym?

so ive been on a more controlled nutrional intake and today was the first time i went to the 24 hour fitness gym i signed up for... i did a cardio machine to start things up which was a pedaling type device with cool features but anyways i hit my target heart rate for about 15 minutes and then i stopped. when i stepped off i was thinking holy shit my legs feel tight.. then 2 minutes later i swear my penis went numb and tingly. at first i thought maybe its entanged in my underwear or something funny but when i poked it discreetly it was truly numb... almost like it was in a cramp. i was freaking out for about 3 minutes because it wouldnt go away but finally did.. anyone care to explain this weird sensation?

jesus i just realized how many types of replies this would get in the main forum

unless you had the female jumping jacks class in front of you, then i dont think that should be happening.

penis cramps? you're overtraining your sex muscles

On Sugar Hill You should've given yourself a stranger. It would be like... A double stranger.

that was puberty son, congrats

i always thought muscles went numb/tingly from blood deprivation, maybe you were cutting bloodflow to your penis and didn't know it.... /shrug. (and yes, i know the penis isn't actualy a muscle)

must have compressed a nerve that runs into that area, it takes a while to work itself out but shouldnt be a problem, generally the seats on fitness equiptment isnt exactly comfy.

When i used to run in cold weather for like 20 minutes my piece would get all cold and numb too. Its normal don't worry.

haha yeah this has happened to me, but it's always gone away pretty quickly. i don't know how i manage it but it will happen every once in a while when i've been sittin down doin something. maybe its cause my junk is ginormous.

kinda embarrassing but has this happened to you at the gym?

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