Saturday, January 18, 2014

When to take Supplements

When to take Supplements

Ok just started working out and trying to do things right. Got a PT for right now. Have creatine and protein coming, starting with the basics. What is the best schedule for taking pre/post workout, morning, night? Trying to do things right first.

This is what have been doing for about 1.5 years, works good for me Pre-Workout: Shake, 1 cup oats Post-Workout: Shake with 25g Dextrose, 25g Malto, 5g creatine Eat a big PWO meal 20-30min after your PWO shake

Thanks. I was told muscle milk is a good before bed or preworkout shake, truth?

i have a muscle milk shake every night with 2% milk before bed. I would eat cottage cheese if i could, but its disgusting. Muscle Milk shake is the next best thing

Sweet, right now I'm doing cottage cheese. Thanks.

When to take Supplements

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