Sunday, December 1, 2013

Is it ok to run when my legs are still sore?

Is it ok to run when my legs are still sore?

I just started running yesterday to start cutting and lowering my body fat % so my legs are rather sore. Is it ok to run today again? Or should I wait for them to recover before i run again?

RLiu818 I just started running yesterday to start cutting and lowering my body fat % so my legs are rather sore. Is it ok to run today again? Or should I wait for them to recover before i run again? yes

Yes, it's okay. You will only be sore for the first .25-.5 mile.

go for it, it's gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow though

Yes, infact, it will probably help with the soreness. Just don't over do it.

i was so sore one time i almost fell off the treadmill a few times, but that was just in the first 5 minutes into it

Is it ok to run when my legs are still sore?

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