Saturday, January 4, 2014

Is this multivitamin any good?

Is this multivitamin any good?

Since I'm starting a new diet any everything I told my mom to pick me up a multiviatmin. She went shopping at Costco and she picked up these multivitamins. It's like 8 different little pills that cover pretty much every vitamin/mineral you could ever need. My question is if it's really healthy to be taking in 3000+% daily value of certain nutrients. Also, are they missing anything important?

Any multi will do, seriously. I don't even worry about it anymore, I buy whatever generic multi is on sale at Wal-Mart; they're just a catch-all, cover all your bases thing.

I wonder if it's okay to just mix all this shit in together with my morning shake. It's a fucking pain in the ass popping 8 pills.

xpinchx I wonder if it's okay to just mix all this shit in together with my morning shake. It's a fucking pain in the ass popping 8 pills. If you're using a lot of protein powder already, you probably don't NEED a multi..most of those powders have a shitton of fortified vitamins and minerals thrown in, check the label for percents.

superbri007 throw that fucking vitamin E capsule out the window That's what I was thinking, that's a very high amount of Vit. E.

Why because out of no where, vitamin E is suddenly bad? I read article on vitamin E also -- it was something like "Vitamin E causes Premature Death". I don't believe it.

Man, these things are fucking hard to down. They all taste like shit. I think I'll just ditch these and get the gummy bear ones. I'll just throw away all the supplemental ones and eat the multi pill.

xpinchx Man, these things are fucking hard to down. They all taste like shit. I think I'll just ditch these and get the gummy bear ones. I'll just throw away all the supplemental ones and eat the multi pill. Seriously, get a one-a-day or something, that's probably all you need. Most of your nutrients should be coming from your diet anyways, multi is just a CYA.

Is this multivitamin any good?

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