Saturday, January 4, 2014

Post your stats (height, weight & bf %)

Post your stats (height, weight & bf %)

I will start Height: 5' 7" Weight: 150lbs Bf: 17% Who goes next

5'11" 230 11ty

6'1 165 unsure, but pretty low i'd say... 11 - 12 % at most!

6-1 ~233 11tybillion

Well right now on my bulk? 6'3 225 15 or 16%

5'6" 145 10-11%

6'3" 224 high

5'10" 250 fat

5'4" 187 ~15%

5'7.5 ~165 10% maybe little less?

6'1" 210 About 14%

5'11 ~180 ~15%

5'6 ~185 15%-20% probably

5'9" 177 low

6" 220 38%

6"0 195lb (cutting to 180-185) unsure

6'1 220, 8-10

6'2 191 14-17% guestimating

6'2 258lbs 17%

6'2 200lbs, 8%

Grouch 6-1 ~233 11tybillion .

5'11 161 13%

anyone got good pics as ref for bf guesstimate?

5'11" 196lbs >15%...not sure really.

5'6 150 I have no fucking idea. Damn loose skin makes me feel horrible.

Post your stats (height, weight & bf %)

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