Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Muscles disappeared after quitting sports

Muscles disappeared after quitting sports

I've quit tennis and volleyball about a year ago and well, I've noticed my muscles are disappearing (normal I assume). Anyway, I'm not gaining any weight, but I can see my 6 pack disappear, I used to have tight abs, but well I quit sports for a while and it's gone now. I was wondering if you know any good exercises I can do at home or in the yard or something,
just to keep me fit and perhaps train my abs again. I go running a lot and ride my bike everyday, but I assume this results in only getting strong legs. I also wonder whether I eat too much calories a day, I think I'm somewhere around 2000-2500 a day (average). And I sure drink a lot (I think I drink at least 3liters a day).

Cardio will burn fat but it won't put on muscle. Training at home is the best thing you can do.

Let's get your abs back.
Stick to your cardio and clean diet.

If you don't want to strength train at home then just hit the abs.

Apart from what I'll type here, read magazines with fitness model type guys and follow a diverse ab routine.

I find leg raises to be the best for developing abs - that's just me. I like to hold a 10 or 15 lbs dumbbell between my feet and perform leg raises until I feel like they're ripping apart. I do that for 4-5 sets then change things up.

Hook your feet under anything and perform twisting sit ups to hit your upper RA muscles and your obliques. If you're strong and find this easy - hold a dumbbell behind your head. Again, high reps for 4-5 sets.

Weighted (dumbbell behind the head) crunches for 4-5 sets. High reps, no number. If you can do 30 or 700 reps, whatever works.

There are tons of ab exercises - vary them to keep things spicy. Using the wheels for ab rolling is no gimmick - it works great and it's cheap to buy. Doing kick outs works great. V-Ups and Medicine ball work for abs.

As long as you keep up a good diet and cardio with a 4 day ab routine they'll show again.

Muscles disappeared after quitting sports

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