Saturday, June 8, 2013

Best Hamstring Workout (Stretch Exercise)

Best Hamstring Workout (Stretch Exercise)

Stretch them within proper ROM (range-of-motion) - there's no need to stretch them beyond 90 degrees unless you're going into gymnastics or joining Circle de Soleil (or becoming a Yoga instructor).
  • Three stretches for the hamstrings: 
  • Lying down and stretching one leg at a time: 
  • By yourself you can do this with a mini band around one foot 
  • With a partner they can stretch it out - I like to put my shin over the other leg so their contralateral hip doesn't come off of the ground 
  • You can even use a door for resistance 
  • Another stretch is using a chair and hip hinging while having one or both hands under the hamstring. Don't make the mistake of curving the spine - keep it neutral 
  • Lastly, you can stretch them by hip hinging and stretching downwards. But, the caveat being DO NOT ROUND THE BACK. Back should be neutral and horizontal to the floor 
  • They get strengthened from deadlifts - please do not engage in Roman Deadlifts as they put pressure on the spine and flex the lumbar muscles. 
  • Hamstrings get trained during the squats as well

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