Monday, June 17, 2013

Step by Step Guide - Lose Weight And Gain Physique

How to lose weight and then gain a decent physique (Step by Step Guide)

Step by Step Guide - Lose Weight And Gain Physique

Hello, I am 17 years old. My height is 5'6 and I am 154 pounds. I have been training for about 4-5 months on and off. I want to lose weight and then gain a decent physique. I have been using the routine below since I started off. My diet is all over the place, not controlled - I would like some information on that too. I am taking no supplements what so ever at the moment.

Day 1 - Back and Bi's :-

- Deadlift 3 x 10
- T-Bar Row - 3 sets - 10, 8 , 6
- Seated Row - 3 sets - 10,8,6
- Dumbbell Curls - 3 sets - 12,10,8

Day 2 - Rest

Day 3 - Chest and Tri's :-

- Bench Press - 3 x 10
- Incline - 3 sets - 10,8,6
- Dumbbell Fly's - 3 sets - 10,8,6
- Tricep Pushdown - 3 sets - 15,10,6

Day 4 - Rest

Day 5 - Legs and Shoulders :-

- Squats - 3 sets - 12,10,8
- Leg Press - 3 sets - 10,8,6
- Calf Raise - 3 sets - 20, 10, 6
- Arnie Presses - 3 sets - 12,10,8

Day 6/7 - N/A

Does that seem alright? I would also like to know if taking Creatine is good or not because I am considering that. And also, what food is good to eat and what should I avoid eating?

Your workout plan seems very decent, what I would do if I were you, on those days you have marked as Rest. Replace them with 45 minute cardio workouts, such as jogging, bicycle, jump rope, or if you dont feel like doing this, you can try performing the hardest Cardio workout of them all (Gorilla Cardio aka Hiit). This is a 15 minute intense cardio workout, if you want to know more PM me and I will explain what it is.

As far as your diet, you should try to eat less fat and fat calories, body builders eat 5 times a day, small meals but protein rich. All your meals should consist of 40% protein, 30% Fat, and 30% carbohydrates. The meals should me small in size and you should eat 5 times a day, up to 2 1/2 hours between meals.

As far as creatine goes, I would wait until you are 18 years of age before using it. Remember creatine does not help everyone, there as many people who use it and see no benefit from it, but there are those who do use it and see results. Creatine helps in ATP production which then helps increase muscle strength as well as mass. But remember using creatine will cause muscles to use water from the body, I read a few articles saying that using extensive creatine will in the long run cause you to lose fluid in the spinal cord and then you end up taking vaccines once your like 50. I read this, some say its a myth but I dont know. Personally I stay away from creatine, I just find it useless, but to you it might help. Again wait until your 18, thats my recommendation.

To gain a nice looking body were ur muscles are defined u need to start cardio, you cant just work out your muscles and expect them to stand out since fat will cover them. You will then just look like a really muscular chubby guy. SO in order to get into shape and look good, having all muscles defined your body fat needs to be at least between 6-8%.

I recommend you make a diet plan for urself, cut out fried foods, bad fat (fat from animals), fast food, and eat more veggies, fruits, protein bars, and protein rich foods. Switch from white bread to whole wheat.

Also get a protein supplement, you body once it has been worked out needs protein to rebuild the ripped muscle, if you are not supplying your body with protein you are just hurting yourself and not accomplishing much. I recommend getting Optimum Nutrition 100% Golden Whey protein, its one of the best with very low calories, and sugar. If you need help with preparing the 5 meals a day with the right %'s of protein, fat and carbohydrates PM me and Ill help you out.

How to lose weight and then gain a decent physique

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