Thursday, December 12, 2013

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

With nice weather finally starting to show up here, the last thing I want to do is waste my afternoon ion teh gym, so recently I started going to the gym before work at 6:30am and wow, what a difference. I've found I feel a lot better and have lots of energy throughout the day. And I have the afternoon/evenings to enjoy the weather.

Dragon With nice weather finally starting to show up here, the last thing I want to do is waste my afternoon ion teh gym, so recently I started going to the gym before work at 6:30am and wow, what a difference. I've found I feel a lot better and have lots of energy throughout the day. And I have the afternoon/evenings to enjoy the weather. I might try working out a little earlier

I used to go workout at 5am in the morning before work. It was great getting it over with. But I found I am less likely to push myself in the morning. In the afternoon I can push myself to failure, but in the morning I find my self giving up and not getting those extra reps.

Im going to go eat and take my CEE then workout peace out punk ass bitches

I like waking up, dicking around for a few hours, then going to the gym. But when I start working, I don't think I'll have that luxury.

hells no. no way. id die.

I prefer working out about 8 at night on mon/wed then on friday i work out about 3ish. (due to the gym shutting early) but on sundays (when i do legs) i'll go down about 2 and work out. I don't think i could work out in the morning.

I dont see how anyone could ever workout in the morning, i am so damn tight, How the hell do you ever get loose? And I also have a bsolutely no motivation in the mornings. UGH

i used to work out at 5am, 3 times a week during the swim season. man that was a pain in the ass. everyone was pretty groggy, but if you got a good nights rest u were fine.

Heavy lifting early in the morning = teh lose..... cardio is another story

I find my motivation in the great weather I can enjoy afterwork now that I'm not going to the gym. As for having energy, caffeine and gatorade work wonders

Dragon I find my motivation in the great weather I can enjoy afterwork now that I'm not going to the gym. As for having energy, caffeine and gatorade work wonders Cool. When we have the TO meet, we'll drag everyone into the gym in the morning.

Puppet Master when i join the gym again i'll be a morning whore too. not mega early but like 7am I like going after 8:30am usually because all the working stiffs are still there before that.

timberwolf Cool. When we have the TO meet, we'll drag everyone into the gym in the morning. on a weekend? not bloody fucking likely

timberwolf I like going after 8:30am usually because all the working stiffs are still there before that. some of us have to work to pay for things like gym memberships. besides, its the punks without jobs hanging around the gym all day that cause most of the probs!

I have noticed when i work out in the morning, i am always tired and the afternoon i am so pumped its ridiculous, but with classes, i HAVE to work out in the mornin'

Dragon on a weekend? not bloody fucking likely On the weekends I usually get to bed at 4 or 4:30 because of the bar. I can usually still go in at 8:30 or 9 am though of course I have to crash for 2-3 hours in the afternoon.

Leo95SE some of us have to work to pay for things like gym memberships. That's what gf's are for. If she likes the way you look... she should pay for it.

deznutz I have noticed when i work out in the morning, i am always tired and the afternoon i am so pumped its ridiculous If I don't work out at night I get so restless and my body aches for not moving weight. timberwolf That's what gf's are for. If she likes the way you look... she should pay for it.

I love lifting in the morning, but there's no way i'm getting out of bed at 6 to go to the gym. I hvae a hard enough time getting up at 7:30.

Puppet Master when i join the gym again i'll be a morning whore too. not mega early but like 7am Get yourself down balance Fuck going that early. i normally get down there about 7:30 at night on mon/wed.

i prefer night when its not as busy

Working out in the morning > workout out in the afternoon

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