Saturday, December 7, 2013

this restaurant really cares about you!

this restaurant really cares about you!

"it's what i eat and what i doT . i'm lovin' itT" McDonald's® Launches New Worldwide Balanced, Active Lifestyles Public Awareness Campaign "The new balanced, active lifestyles platform is designed to inspire McDonald's customers to improve their overall well being" I dont support mcdonalds financially(ex- buy their food), but i do support thier new ad campaign. kudos, to you, mcdonalds. You can help us all with positive reminders to stay active.

They're only doing it because they created a fast food generation that's addicted to sugar and caffeine and are finally feeling the pressure. No matter what they do today in the effort of better health, they'll still be making the same shitty burgers tomorrow.

Well if they don't keep their insanely obease demographic alive, or atleast barely clinging to life, how can they expect to make profits in the future. Smart bussiness plan is all it is.

Mugwump They're only doing it because they created a fast food generation that's addicted to sugar and caffeine and are finally feeling the pressure. No matter what they do today in the effort of better health, they'll still be making the same shitty burgers tomorrow. I wouldn't give McD's that much credit. They didn't create a fast food generation, they're just supplying what people want. Unless of course they have been secretly putting some highly addictive substance in their burgers.....

What I would like to know is why does a SALAD cost 4-5 bucks??? If they cared about me they'd stop charging so much for some lettuce tomatoes and frozen chicken shit.

nic379 frozen chicken shit

mcdonalds needs to develop an appartus much like the beer hat, so we can drink nice frosty chocolate milk shakes, and still have 2 hands free to do curls...

nic379 What I would like to know is why does a SALAD cost 4-5 bucks??? If they cared about me they'd stop charging so much for some lettuce tomatoes and frozen chicken shit. it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it?

D-GUy it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it? convenience easyness

they started this ad campaign shortly after the release of supersize me

D-GUy it's still shit anyways so why bother even paying for it? awe it tastes ok, don be that hard on em...

The hard part of making a good salad in a place like mcd's is training the kiddies to be conscious of quality. Theres a reason the dont dress the salads for you... it would be to much of too little most of the time. clinging to life

evi1eddie they started this ad campaign shortly after the release of supersize me a wrestling buddy of mine had an idea regarding that. He was going to call up McDonald's and ask them to pay him $10,000 to eat their food every day, for 30 days, and he would lose 5 pounds. :lol:

Do you really think they care about you or anybody? They will do whatever is necessary to make money, even sell salads

this thread is a joke. mcdonald's giving a fuck? ha

superbri007 fuck mcdonald's

superbri007 FUCK MCDONALD'S lc

Heh... McDonald's is my friend ever since I started bulking. $1 double cheeseburgers own, I scarf down 2-3 at a time.

the negative people will hate mcdonalds wether they do responsible or irresponsible deeds. although, you can try to see it from their angle. Health is the new s*it. Theyre listening and responding to feedback. ....and fuck mcdonalds.

gosideways Heh... McDonald's is my friend ever since I started bulking. $1 double cheeseburgers own, I scarf down 2-3 at a time. weak

this restaurant really cares about you!

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