Saturday, December 7, 2013

Crankiness anyone?

Crankiness anyone?

I really think that dieting and running has taken a toll on my overall demeanor. I notice this the most at work. I'm always tired and not as bubbly as I used to be. Is this happening to any of you guys, or do you think it's all in my head?

ive almost cried three times today and i feel sorry for the first person to say something even remotetly smart ass to me because i will snap and go off on them. i've already told everyone around me, but i bet my mom just wont be able to help herself and end up being the first person to smart off

You guys need some prozac or something. Seriously I have a female friend that takes it once a month

if i get tons of good rest, i feel absolutely great. (not cranky) but still a bit drained from being in a calorie deficit. its hard especially b/c i'm a senior in from 7am-2pm, work from 2:30-7:30, then dinner and workout + cardio at gym from 8:30-10:30 including ride there and back, and then some hw...its tough. i'm actually staying home today so i can get good rest. i was runnin on 3 hours of sleep today. it doesn't help that i dont have a day to sleep in during the week either...never get a chance to catch up on sleep. working out/cardio 4-5 days a week, school & work from monday - friday, church on friday night, saturdays at 7am, and sunday morning, then the cycle repeats itself.

Just normal women emotions.

ive noticed that i tend to get pissed off at the slightest things a lot more

mask of obsidian ive noticed that i tend to get pissed off at the slightest things a lot more watching the UFC makes me feel more aggressive than cutting or working out ever would. i tried an armbar on my 12 year old brother.

no it should make you feel the opposite, more energetic, feel better about yourself.

Hip Hippo Just normal women emotions. not for me i very rarely get this way.

Dieting hasn't really giving me mood swings or anything. FUCK YOU!!!!!

Crankiness anyone?

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