Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Too much volume for one day?

Too much volume for one day?

For the past month and a half I have been working out twice a day on fridays. Around midday I do:Squats 3x8 Box Squat 1x20 Bench Press 5x5 Deadlift 5x5 About 6hrs later I go and do. Calf Thinger 3x20 weighted wide grip chins 3x10 DB Press 5x5 and then finish w/2 or 3 sets of tate presses or curls () It hasn't been a problem, I only feel it on Sundays. I get 5k+ calories (1 shake after each workout, rest is whole foods). And I'll get about 10hrs of sleep tonight. Too much for my CNS or no? Like I said I only "hurt" (just slightly sore) on Sundays.

the way i see it (and i know il be disputed on this) everyone is different and you need to find what works for you, last summer before i knew what i was doing, id work out 3 times a day an hour each, 2 times lifting and 1 hour of cardio (and i ate hardly anything, what i did eat was protein and well below maintenance cals). that was definitely what would be on this board or anywhere considered over training, but i gained significant muscle strength durring this time as well as i lost 40 lbs of mostly fat. i wouldnt be as strict as i was but it all has to do w/ your metabolism and your body's predisposition to make gains, and of course what you eat. id personally suggest taking a month or so eating where you think your maintenace cals are and see if you gain or lose weight, then tweak your food as needed. im no expert but i would venture to say thats a little excessive for one day. il let christophers feild that one.

whats the rest of your week look like?

Undefined whats the rest of your week look like? Have the whole weekend off, usually just lounge around the house. I don't lift again til Monday afternoon.

you're just doing the same workout once a week?

dmaestro Have the whole weekend off, usually just lounge around the house. I don't lift again til Monday afternoon. youre dedicated arent u.

Shaolin_sword36 you're just doing the same workout once a week? no, i workout mon, tues, wed, and fridays. thurs and the weekend i have off. fridays I workout twice though

Undefined youre dedicated arent u. yeah im obsessed.

Too much volume for one day?

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