Monday, December 9, 2013

500lb leg press @ 140lb?

500lb leg press @ 140lb?

I weigh 15 to 20 lbs less than I did last summer and I'm leg pressing more than I ever

... I need to do more legs...

I just need better flexibility in my legs...

Why are you 140?

Jeg1983 Why are you 140?

What do you squat?

Leg presses are the little brother of squats. IBpurbitchingaboutquaddevelopmentandhis30platelegp ress

i fail to see the point of this thread

Yeah, unless you are leg pressing 1000+ , its really nothing to be proud about unless you have like one leg or somethin...sorry broly

superbri007 theres nothing wrong with leg press. no theres not, but alot of people only have a ROM of about 4 inches then they think they are some kinda hoss on leg press

Mass no theres not, but alot of people only have a ROM of about 4 inches then they think they are some kinda hoss on leg press i go til my knees touch my chest

-Mordecai- I weigh 15 to 20 lbs less than I did last summer and I'm leg pressing more than I ever more muscle/less fat neurological adaptations etc etc etc

mike i go til my knees touch my chest

I leg pressed 1000lbs when I was in 5th grade. my e-cock > your e-cock.

wifes done 600+ for 10

PurEvl wifes done 600+ for 10

PurEvl wifes done 600+ for 10

PurEvl wifes done 600+ for 10 she doesn't count, bro


I've done 650x6 at 130

okay? I squatted 405 @ 155 pounds.

500lb leg press @ 140lb?

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