Sunday, December 22, 2013

Does taurine have any real effects?

Does taurine have any real effects?

Or is it all psychological. I am to lazy to look up actual studies on the subject.

ur eyes be made up of it. so good for the eyes

Timothy C. Birdsall, ND. Therapeutic applications of taurine. Altern-Med-Rev. 1998 Apr; 3(2): 128-36 SARWAR GHULAM. Et al. PROTEIN-FREE AMINO ACIDS IN MILKS OF HUMAN, OTHER PRIMATES AND NONPRIMATES. USDA/ARS CHILDREN'S NUTRION Jacobsen JG, Smith LH. Biochemistry and physiology of taurine and taurine derivatives. Physiol Rev 1968;48:424-511. Nara Y, Yamori Y, Lovenberg W. Effects of dietary taurine on blood pressures in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biochem Pharmacol 1978;27:2689-2692. Satoh H, Sperelakis N. Review of some actions of taurine on ion channels of cardiac muscle cells and others. Gen Pharmac 1998;30:451-463. Mizushima S, Nara Y, Sawamura M, Yamori Y. Effects of oral taurine supplementation on lipids and sympathetic nerve tone. Adv Exp Med Biol 1996;403:615-622. Reiter, Joel, Epilepsy: A New Approach, Walker and Company, N.Y. 1990, pp172-174.

what did that answer? it's probably all psychological. I've been taking 1000mg for a pretty long time and don't know what it's doing.

you said you were too lazy to look up for studies on it, i gotcha the studies. now read up

to me, doesn't really matter if it's psychological. physiological or psych, if it "works," by all means... when i was a kid, my lil sis was terrified of dogs, so i gave her these little beads and told her they were special and that if she threw them at a dog she was scared of, it would back off... and she stopped getting scared but then again, it would have been pretty bad if she had thrown them at a pitbull and gotten mauled...

nonplus but then again, it would have been pretty bad if she had thrown them at a pitbull and gotten mauled... that thought just popped in my head, dogs don't like shit thrown at them

SpeedyGST Timothy C. Birdsall, ND. Therapeutic applications of taurine. Altern-Med-Rev. 1998 Apr; 3(2): 128-36 SARWAR GHULAM. Et al. PROTEIN-FREE AMINO ACIDS IN MILKS OF HUMAN, OTHER PRIMATES AND NONPRIMATES. USDA/ARS CHILDREN'S NUTRION Jacobsen JG, Smith LH. Biochemistry and physiology of taurine and taurine derivatives. Physiol Rev 1968;48:424-511. Nara Y, Yamori Y, Lovenberg W. Effects of dietary taurine on blood pressures in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biochem Pharmacol 1978;27:2689-2692. Satoh H, Sperelakis N. Review of some actions of taurine on ion channels of cardiac muscle cells and others. Gen Pharmac 1998;30:451-463. Mizushima S, Nara Y, Sawamura M, Yamori Y. Effects of oral taurine supplementation on lipids and sympathetic nerve tone. Adv Exp Med Biol 1996;403:615-622. Reiter, Joel, Epilepsy: A New Approach, Walker and Company, N.Y. 1990, pp172-174.

Does taurine have any real effects?

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