Friday, December 6, 2013

Bloody noses while deadlifting

Bloody noses while deadlifting

The last three times (last 3 weeks) I've deadlifted I've gotten bloody noses. Only happens when I go heavy and at the top of the rep. I don't know if I am holding my breath too much or what. I usually take a deep breath at the bottom and steadily blow it out on the way up. It's usually just like a little geyser of blood that squirts out, it's not an ongoing bleed like say from allergies or something. I usually just shove some tissue up there and keep going. Anyone else experience this? Doesn't happen when I go heavy with squats/bench press so I

I'm no doctor, but I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that's not good.

Nick I'm no doctor, but I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that's not good. Wow... You must be putting a lot of stress on the veins in your nose

maybe try not straining your face while you lift. i used to get REALLY bad pains in the back of my head when i did overhead press, so i try relaxed my face and neck and it wouldnt hurt so bad

I'd say that that doesn't seem good. But in light of the situation (take a vid...) I think it would be freaking awesome to see someone DL at my gym and have blood gush out of his nose like a chemtrail or something.

Shit happens when you lift heavy

Are you breathing right during the lifts?

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. ok, then I am ok. Even though I am not lifting "powerlifter heavy." Was just afraid I had a tumor in my nose or somethng.

Elfling Are you breathing right during the lifts? pretty sure I am It always comes out of my left nostril, so I think there is a vein in there that is real weak/close to the surface or something. I've heard of people going to the doctors to get the inside of their noses cauterized to stop constant nose bleeds. Maybe I should do that

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. thats fucking gangsta

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. this is what happened to me the last time i upped the weights for my squat workout. (this past week) and thats after a few days of it clearing up.

I've blown a blood vessel in my eye squatting before back in the day. blood pressure>*

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. damn, thats hardcore, i just get light headed and see stars

I love how everyone in this thread is like "yeah, when I do (insert lift here) heavy, blood squirts out of my (insert orifice here)"

Can someone bump the animal thread?

Phlab Can someone bump the animal thread? searching now..

I bleed out of my ass on chest day

Bloody noses while deadlifting

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