Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How would u describe this body? *pics*

How would u describe this body? *pics*

What do you think of this guys physique? It's Ryan Reynolds btw.. from blade trinity, amityville horror, van wilder etc.. Few pics.. hard to find good ones.. but if u watch his movies when he takes his top off.. ya get to fully appreciate him: It think he's in great shape.. nothing OTT but very well defined and proportioned.. and with his top on he's very undercover.. my role model / inspiration. Anyway, are there any names for that sort of physique? Would you say he's slim yet toned? Or could u describe him as built? His waist is probably only around 30inches I'm guessing..

he has a good diet, and appears to do a little lifting. More of an athletic build then a bb build.

He's very, very lean with better-than-average arms.

Here are some more pics:http://forums.offtopic.com/showthrea...=ryan+reynolds I just bumped the thread so it didn't get purged.

athletic more muscle wouldnt hurt?

good ab genes.. mine are not aligned well could be thicker in the chest though

no pics of legs no care

I don't understand how people classify others as having athletic builds ... Football players have athletic builds, basketball players, tennis players, long distance runners, I mean wtf? Pretty much anybody without an excessive amount of body fat has an "athletic build" and I think that doesn't even completely encompass the term. Oh and I think he looks thin... but then again I would probably look that thin if I cut down, which I don't plan on doing for the next year or so.

this is like a brad pitt from fight club thread. Plz don't post again. most people who lift seriously are a lot bigger than those pansys.

In the magazine article it claims he dropped his bf% down to 3%. Thats gotta be bs.

N.A Honda In the magazine article it claims he dropped his bf% down to 3%. Thats gotta be bs. he also says something like "dont do any of that low carb nonsense" and then look at the diet they list for him


could use a bit bigger of a chest to fit his arms. but he's a pretty realistic & better than brad pit body for the average person to be going for.

Perplexed "easily attainable"? He's bigger and more defined than the majority of people on this board are now and will ever be.

tize hes not very big prolly 6'0 170lbs Appearing bigger than weight > your fat ass nude pics

That little fagmo needs to learn GFH.

Easily Attainable is probably right. He said in a magazine interview that it took him 3 months of daily DEDICATED (not sure if this is the right word...but he worked like from 9-5 or some crap) hard work to get there. That would probably equal to about 7 months of average work of almost dedicated (i.e. 3months a week)?

Neo22 He's bigger and more defined than the majority of people on this board are now and will ever be. .

Quite good. All kidding aside, that is the body that most not-so-serious people want, and hell, most of the people in here don't even have it. He obviously has the money and time to dedicate to this, so he has a step up from Joe Average...

Oh, and really nice delts.

not my cup of tea but i give him credit he busted his ass to pack on a little more mass than brad pitt.

I wouldn't mind looking like that at all

Heck give Noxen a few more months and he'll end up looking like that.

y0gfx Heck give Noxen a few more months and he'll end up looking like that. Not even close.

y0gfx Heck give Noxen a few more months and he'll end up looking like that.

How would u describe this body? *pics*

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