Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Question about the vitamins I just purchased

Question about the vitamins I just purchased

I got GNC Mega Men vitamins from GNC since it's close by. Link: http://www.gnc.com/productDetails.as...170230&lang=en My question is... the serving size is 2 tablets, but would taking only 1 provide roughly the same benefits? I don't know very much about vitamins aside from the very basics, and I don't want to be taking 2 if it's really going to do me no good, might as well let the vitamins last twice as long

decent, but over priced

mtnbike4522 decent, but over priced That aside, what about my question?

If the serving size is 2, take 2.

more the merrier

Question about the vitamins I just purchased

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