Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I'm so confused about running now...

I'm so confused about running now...

We start running tomorrow in gym class and my goal is to burn fat. I'm a decent runner but don't know how to burn fat best. With all the recent threads about how its best to run in the morning, before meals, speed of running, blah blah it gets me confused. If i want to burn as much fat as possible during the run, how should i go about it? If i run at a steady, relatively quick pace i will be burning fat. If i decide to push myself, and run harder, is there a chance that i'll burn LESS fat and just improve my cardiovascular system. Tomorrow i figure i'll run 4-5km, how long should it take me to have an effective fat burning workout. i'm just confused... Thanks in advance.

christophers minutia. doing low intensity cardio in the morning on an empty stomach = will utilize more fat during activity, however in the absolute end this is not very important as the total deficit per day is what dictates fat loss. running on an empty stomach when intensity is higher than walking isnt going to help you much. your body will turn to any glycogen it can to fuel the activity. contrary to what many think just because you are on an empty stomach does not mean you are completely void of glycogen, and running = higher intensity = glycogen demanding like my ol pal john berardi says, it doesnt matter when you do it.. just that you do it. thanks, but that still leaves the burning question: Will running harder, pushing myself to my limits always be beneficial? i.e if i decide in the middle of my run to run extra hard for the last couple km will i be burning MORE fat? or should i just stay steady.

Bush77 thanks, but that still leaves the burning question: Will running harder, pushing myself to my limits always be beneficial? i.e if i decide in the middle of my run to run extra hard for the last couple km will i be burning MORE fat? or should i just stay steady. It's not going to make much of a difference.

I'm so confused about running now...

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