Friday, November 15, 2013

Recommend exercises for a pregnant woman please

Recommend exercises for a pregnant woman please

again I didn't get anyone pregnant. A woman I work with wants to knwo what she can do going into her 3rd trimester. She has been walking 3 miles a say, but wants to know what else she can do. any suggestions?

I thought pregnant women were not supposed to excersise?

ask doctor

stationary bicycle would probably be best, but wouldnt that cause her to burn calories meaning less for the developing child. i would assume the developing child would need as many calories as possible to develop as much as possible.

KingGargantuan ask doctor Dear Dr. Leach, I was wondering what would be a safe and effective way for a pregnant woman to train. I told her to stop the deads and squats but she isn't listening to me. So if you can please recommend how much she should be squating and deading that would be great. your asshat, A buck twenny dipped in shit

In the military pregnancy fitness programs they start to gravitate more towards water aerobics in the 3rd trimester. Pregnant women should exercise, just not with a lot of intensity. OB/GYN should recommend a fitness program.

Hmm wouldn't touch that with a 20ft pole. Tell her to ask her ob/gyn. Don't want to be at fault if she miscarries or something.

box squats w/bands speed deadlifts clapping widegrip chins

dmaestro box squats w/bands speed deadlifts clapping widegrip chins perfect

Title Exercise in pregnancy: how safe is it? Source Sports medicine and arthroscopy review (Hagerstown, Md.) 10(1), 2002, 15-22 Total No. of Pages: 8 English Abstract The role of exercise in pregnancy (EIP) is widely debated. Pregnancy produces marked changes of several physiologic variables of the mother. Regular EIP limits the increase in O2 requirement and produces an increase in the absolute anaerobic threshold, which persists for up to 36 weeks. Exercise in pregnancy reduces the incidence of muscle cramps, lower limb edema, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Increased knee cruciate ligament laxity does not normally produce any instability. Exercise in pregnancy reduces the increase in baseline maternal heart rate that occurs in pregnancy. Heart rate and stroke volume increase more markedly with exercise in pregnant women than in nonpregnant controls. Noradrenalin response to EIP is lower than in nonpregnant controls. Blood glucose levels decrease more promptly and to lower values with exercise in pregnant women than in nonpregnant controls. Glucose tolerance normally decreases in pregnancy, but increases during EIP. Regular EIP improves glucose tolerance in diabetic mothers and reduces total maternal weight gain and subcutaneous fat deposition toward the lower end of the normal range. Regular EIP produces higher plasma endorphin levels during labor and better pain tolerance than in sedentary controls. Women who undertake regular EIP have a lower incidence of 3rd- and 4th-degree vaginal tears. Children of exercising mothers have similar birth-weights as children of sedentary mothers, and mental performance at age 5 is higher. If there are no specific obstetric or medical contraindications, fit pregnant women can safely maintain the same level of fitness during pregnancy, although exercise schedules may have to be reduced.

Title Exercise during pregnancy: A maternal and fetal responses. A brief review. (L' exercice physique pendant la grossesse: les reponses physiologiques de la mere et du foetus. Une breve synthese.) Source Medicine and science in sports and exercise (Baltimore, Md.) 17(4), Aug 1985, 407-416 Total No. of Pages: 10 English Abstract The exercise-induced cardiopulmonary changes are essentially normal or slightly exaggerated during pregnancy. The energy cost of cycle exercise is unchanged during pregnancy; however, the increased weight bearing, especially evident in late pregnancy, adds to the exercise effort during walking, climbing, or jogging. Aerobic work capacity remains unchanged during pregnancy, and typical training adaptations can be found during pregnancy. Hypoglycemia occurs more easily during exercise in pregnant women, even though lipid provision is exaggerated during late pregnancy. The influence of maternal exercise on the fetus is evident in changed heart rhythm and breathing patterns of the fetus. Birth weight is unaffected when healthy well-nourished mothers participate in mild to moderate exercise programs during pregnancy.

It seems exercise is alright if she was fit before getting pregnant. Aquatic exercise seems a good recommendation

reverse hypers

from those ive spoken to, walking is the way to go

I call this one "down the stairs". It's where you throw yourself down the stairs. There is also one in the works called "the coat hanger", not sure what its about tho. ibhell

Neo95gt I call this one "down the stairs". It's where you throw yourself down the stairs. There is also one in the works called "the coat hanger", not sure what its about tho. ibhell

Recommend exercises for a pregnant woman please

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