Monday, December 16, 2013

Hi F&N I'm back after 2 months off OT and I wanna thank you

Hi F&N I'm back after 2 months off OT and I wanna thank you

This very board put in my head the idea that a skinny guy who's been plagued by the can't-gain-weight syndrome can, with good diet and workout, start to see gains, and then see them stick. It's only been a few months but I'm seeing more gains than I ever did previously, and when I didn't work out for the last week because I have been moving, the muscle and weight I put on actually stuck. Any time previously in my life my body would have eaten my muscles away in that time. Getting a proper diet with plenty of protien does wonders for us skinny guys! And get this - I have the double benefit that a well balanced diet, of as much whole healthy food as possible, is one of the best things I could do for my Multiple Sclerosis. So thanks F&N, you guys really inspired me to push myself hard in a time in my life (after my first MS attack) when I doubted my ability to get by from day to day.

awesome man

great job

fuck yer mate!

what exactly did you do? just eat tons of carbs/cals/protein and giv'er?

I went from an average 20-something's diet to eating 6 times a day, with protien, carbs, and fruit/veggies at every meal, and started a good workout routine.

I was wondering what happened to you the other day, I thought maybe you had given up.

b-stevens I was wondering what happened to you the other day, I thought maybe you had given up. nope, my life has been insane, just learning to live with my disease, working out like crazy, training in a great new fighting style, moving to round rock, and planning a wedding.

Its great to hear that you aren't letting the disease beat you down and you're out there kicking life in the ass. Keep it up.

congrats man

Keep it up! And let me just say I wish I had the gaining weight problem instead of the trying to lose fat problem grats on your gains.

Great work. Keep it up.

Glad to know not everyone on OT became totally heartless while I was gone. Thanks for the support kids, once I get back on my schedule I'll post before and after progress. I also wanna get some calipers and continue to track my bf% too.

that's awesome. good job!!


Hi F&N I'm back after 2 months off OT and I wanna thank you

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