Monday, December 16, 2013

first day of HST: my impression

first day of HST: my impression

holy shit this routine is going to kick my ass that was the hardest workout i've had in 5 months since i started training... i thought i was going to puke at least 3 times... and now im dizzy i will be swoler than you in 8 weeks

tize was my first day too! 8) made me change my numbers up a bit. doing lat raises with 2.5lbs made me feel gay and curling with 15's same here execpt i had to move down a little on bench 15 reps is easier said than done

tize im doing 12/6/9/3 instead of 15/10/5/5 12/6/9/3 or 12/9/6/3 either way... sounds interesting also, can you post yur routine for me

tize 15 rep squats are dirty no matter how much weight you do indeed it was more like a cardio workout

i wonder how mr mike did... i think it was his first day too

tize how much did you bench? i did 125 1x15 and another 1x9 ... shit killed me

tize how much do you 1rm? 185

just think of all the adapting your bodies have to do right now i'm doing:squats squats deadlift bb bench bb bench inc db bench pulldown pulldown narrow row wide row shoulder press rear delt shrug bi bi tri tri donkey calf raises donkey calf raises abs abs

sr20wop 185 here's a data point if you're going to adjust what you're benching... I can do 185 about 5 times, and my bb bench for 15s starts at 110 and goes to 135 in 5 lb increments. So far so good... you can always make it harder by changing your tempo up

tize 122.5 is your estimated 12rm, what are you gonna do? 115/120 x 15 and be a man about it i think imma stick to the 15/10/5/5

tize who do you get to sit on you for the donkeys buh? maybe thats not what i'm doing... but I load it up, sit, the thing clamps down over my knees, and i do my calf raises

i just kinda guessed... i guessed right on pretyt much eveything except bench

tize its kinda weird having your whole body feel worn out but not particularly sore in any area lol yeah and i feel like im missing so much i want to add like 10 more exercises to my routine

Deadlifts Squats Leg Curl Bench Press Chin Ups Rear Delt Row Shrugs EZ Curls Pulldowns Calf Raises Flys Crunches i wanna add like dips and incline and

tize do it dude, ur only hitting ur chest once twice with flys christophers said limit hst to ~10 exercises but i prolly will add decline/dips and maybe incline DB

i also wonder what other ppl brolying are thinking when they see me do lytew8 1 set and continue on fuck em

The first couple of days are the worst and the best. They're bad because you feel like a pussy doing such light weights, but then again, that's the easiest it will ever be. I have puked many a time after working out, especially on max days. It is so draining, yet feels so good.

the more i think about it... the more i didn't enjoy working out today... i felt like i was doing too much crap/running around 11ty billion times and it wasn't fun i think i might just go back to the old 3-day split and settle for less results

just wait till full-body max days then weeks 6-8 where its 2 weeks straight of it, if you chose to do it. personally, though, its my favorite part

does the hst site actually give the routine? cuz i cant find it, only the example. oh yeah and how is your strength doing

tize u didn't do eccentrics? no i do the 2weeks of 5rm

size18boarder does the hst site actually give the routine? cuz i cant find it, only the example. oh yeah and how is your strength doing read and understand the principals of the program, and you shouldn't have any trouble making your own

size18boarder does the hst site actually give the routine? cuz i cant find it, only the example. this was posted in the hst forum Ok, so a lot of people are talking and asking questions about HST (Hypertrophy Specific Training), so I'm going to try to wrap it up as short and as quick as possible, so everyone can get going with their routines. We'll do this in steps. First off, HST is not just for size, but it's not a strength program from a muscle mag that will add 50lbs to your bench in 8 weeks (did add 10lbs to mine in 4 weeks though). You will gain both size and strength, but with the principles of the program, the size will outweigh the strength. A lot of this also depends on you, and how you respond. Second off, you need to have a good diet, HST won't add inches to you if you follow a crappy diet, everyone knows this. You would obviously add more size if you were bulking, but some people want to take the fat off, and HST is great for cutting also. Now, for the do-it-yourself routine creating. Follow these steps: 1) Choose what rep range you want to do. For your first HST cycle I would suggest just the standard 15, 10, and 5 (you'll know what I'm talking about later). 2) Choose 8-12 exercises for your full body that you would like to perform. I myself use only 8, which makes for a nice compact routine. Here is an example of my exercises: Squat Bench Press Stiff Legged Deadlift Bent Over BB Rows Seated Shoulder Press EZ Bar Curls Lying Tricep Extensions Standing Calf Raise ----------------------------------------------------------- 3) We'll just assume that you are using 15, 10, and 5 rep weight "blocks". You would take a week to find each of your maxes for every exercise and every rep range. For example, on Monday you would find your 15 rep max for every exercise, Wednesday you would do the 10s, and Friday the 5s. 4) After you figure out your maxes, take 9-14 days off from any training. This is called Strategic Deconditioning (SD). This is taken from the HST website:----------------------------------------------------------- "At this point, it is necessary to either increase the load (Progressive load), or decrease the degree of conditioning to the load (Strategic Deconditioning). The muscle is sensitive not only to the absolute load, but also to the change in load (up or down). Therefore, you can get a hypertrophic effect from increasing the load from a previous load, even if the absolute load is not maximum, assuming conditioning (resistance to exercise induced micro-damage) is not to extensive. There is a limit to the number of increments you can add to increase the load. You simply reach your maximum voluntary strength eventually. This is why Strategic Deconditioning is required for continued growth once growth has stopped (all things remaining equal). " ------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, so you've figured out all of your maxes and are ready to start working out this Monday. Now here's a sum-up of how the routine will go. Each rep range (block) (15, 10, and 5) will each be given 2 weeks of training. It doesn't have to be 2 weeks, but we'll assume this is your first HST "experience" and you are just going to do the standard. Training will be 3 times a week, once a day (we'll use M/W/F for this cycle). Again, some people train 6 days a week or some people do an AM and PM split. Each rep range will get 6 workouts over 2 weeks. Now here's where the weird part comes in (well, against what you probably normally do), you will only train to failure once every 2 weeks (until weeks 7+8, which I'll get to later). Workout #6 will be your routine with all of your maxes. ------------------------------------------------------------ So what do you do with workouts 1-5? You take your max, and gradually decrease it over the 6 workouts. The amount you increase each workout could be varied, generally 5-20lbs, with bigger bodyparts and compound movements having the bigger increment. I'm not a real strong guy, so for the Squat, Bench Press, and SLDL I increase the weight 10lbs, and for everything else I increase it by 5lbs. This can also be done percent wise (5-10% increments) So, for example, we'll say your 15 rep max for bench press is 100lbs, and you are using increments of 10lbs. This would be what your weights would look like for bench press: Workout 1 (Week 1, Monday)-50lbs Workout 2 (Week 1, Wednesday)-60lbs Workout 3 (Week 1, Friday)-70lbs Workout 4 (Week 2, Monday)-80lbs Workout 5 (Week 2, Wednesday)-90lbs Workout 6 (Week 2, Friday)- 100lbs ----------------------------------------------------------- *Set up your HST routine here:HST Calculator* ----------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so now (hopefully) you know what to do for 6 weeks. Now your at your last workout of the 5s (your maxes for everything). Now it's time for weeks 7 + 8. There are a few ways you can do these weeks. One way is to do negatives with your 2RM for 2 weeks (need a training partner). Another way is to use drop sets. And another way (the way I am using, and probably the simplest), is to repeat workout #6 of the 5s for 2 weeks (M/W/F). Now your cycle will have looked like this Weeks 1-2: 15s Weeks 3-4: 10s Weeks 5-6: 5s Weeks 7-8: continuation of 5RM ------------------------------------------------------------ Sets: The amount of sets you use for each workout, like everything else, can be vaired. You can fix you sets, so say you do 2 sets of squats and 1 set of curls, you would do that many sets the whole routine. Another way to do this is to progress the sets. The going trend to do this is 1x15, 2x10, and 3x5. So for the 15s, every exercise would be done with one set, for the 10s everything would be done for 2 sets, and so on. This does NOT include warming up, which should also be a BIG part of your workouts. ----------------------------------------------------------- *See the warming up FAQ:FAQ ----------------------------------------------------------- Now you have completed your HST cycle right? Wrong. Time for some more SD for 9-14 days. After that you can either: 1) Do whatever kind of training you want or 2) Start another HST cycle because it has worked so well for you. You would generally increase all of your weights 5-10%, depending on the excercise, or you can just re-test your maxes. ----------------------------------------------------------- You can change the rep ranges, exercises, workouts, and scheduling however you want. Use your first cycle to figure out what you can do better for the next cycle. ----------------------------------------------------------- *Another note: Some people think that they must do all they can to prevent zig-zagging (repeating the same weights in different rep ranges). I zig-zagged plenty in my first cycle and had great results, so you don't have to worry about it* ------------------------------------------------------------ Well thats HST, as short as I can sum it up. I hope this helps a lot of people, and convinces them to start the best training method I have ever used. Feel free to add things or change things, or ask questions. strength does not go down in the conventional sense. all of you seem to have this notion that you're going to get swoll like purevil, but have the strength of scubamatt. neither of which will happen. you find your max's in the beginning, then you repeat them at the end of every two weeks. if your strength was going down, you wouldn't be able to reach those max's. next cycle, all your max's increase. usually by 10-20 pounds. therefore your strength is going up. what lyle was talking about was maximal strength capacity (1rm) now curl those 15's hard!

You're not supposed to be killing yourself until the very last day. If you're already getting sore now, you're probably not going to finish.

Whew, Im not the only one looking like a wimp doign this. 15's are hard

first day of HST: my impression

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