Monday, December 16, 2013

Detrimental to lift when hungry?

Detrimental to lift when hungry?


yeah you'll implode.

dmaestro yeah you'll implode.

why would you want to?

eliktronix why would you want to? The only time I really have to lift is before dinner.

Any serious answers?

pokesteve you need to at LEAST eat right away afterwards.... I usually eat within 30 minutes after working out.

I prefer lifting on a slightly-empty stomach, honestly. I can't function if I'm full, I get pukey. Ditto for running. I usually have a piece of fruit and a bit of string cheese an hour or so before I workout, just so I don't crash.

My numbers go to shit if I don't have enough food before working out

im horrible if im even remotely hungry

Elfling I prefer lifting on a slightly-empty stomach, honestly. I can't function if I'm full, I get pukey. Ditto for running. I usually have a piece of fruit and a bit of string cheese an hour or so before I workout, just so I don't crash. I have to be kinda hungry but not starving to be ok. If I am to full I feel bloated and like I am gonna puke while doing anything

christophers "Bloated? Bloated helps my squat" -Owner of Diablo Barbell I try to bloat up when I am gonna wear my shirt to get it to fit as tight as possible

I ate a large pizza before training today, around 2000 cals. Just after doing lunges I had to bolt upstairs and hang a turd, the cleaner had just finished cleaner the cubicle and he was in the one next door. I could just imagine him hanging himself after hearing what I did in there. personally I like having something to eat before hand, just not tha large.

Detrimental to lift when hungry?

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