Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Man Boobs How to reduce naturally?

Man Boobs How to reduce naturally?

I am 16 and i am pretty big, I am like 1.85 m tall and probably over 120kg (last time i checked my weight i was 80kg but i think i was 12) yea 80kg 12 year old D:. i have man boobs (im very ashamed of it). I used to play sports when i was younger(a lot younger). I don't know why i put off going to the gym for a long time, but i have decided to go (My brother is going to pay for me because hes starting to go). Im the only fat person in my family, my brothers are (in my opinion) very fit, but i probably ate a lot more then them growing up. What kinda exercises do you think i should do. i have a big belly. I want to get rid of my belly and man boobs. Im open to all suggestions. (please explain how to do exercises).

 I haven't ever been on a diet, i buy energy drinks every time i go to the shopping centers. Sometimes i buy a 2.25litre of fizzy drink (coke or sprite etc..) and it will be gone very quickly. My friends have inspired me to get into shape, because when ever im with them all they talk about is how much they can bench and how big their muscles are, but im too embarrased to join in because im full on lard. Can u give me a diet that would help me alot with my fat problem. 2 years ago i used to walk to and from school, should i start back up? How much time a day/week should i be exercising for the actual exercise to be effective. Any help is good help.

Man Boobs How to reduce Tips and Tricks

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