Sunday, January 19, 2014

So i did my first day of HIIT

So i did my first day of HIIT

A 15 minute cycle is going to be roooough. I did my 4 minute first day cycle today, and i'm decently in shape, but wow my sprint became only a tid bit faster than my jog. I was surprised it was that difficult.

what the gay?

More detail?

I am in moderate shape, the I had to put off hiit till i got in better shape. Smoker of almost 10 years it was just too hard on my lungs. I got to where I run about 2 miles a day and walk one. still not good, but atleast I can do the hiit program better now,. I also put down smoking, its fuckign hard but i feel 100x better

keep up the good work.

you should jog slower and sprint faster because if those speeds are close that's not HIIT

So i did my first day of HIIT

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