Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cutting/Bulking - where should I proceed from here? *pics*

Cutting/Bulking - where should I proceed from here? *pics*

Hey guys, I've been cutting for the last few months now. I used to be 220lb before I worked out - this was about 10 months ago. Then that 10 months ago I joined the gym and started working out - then came along useful sources like MAX OT and F&N. I was always on a maintenance diet until around February of this year when I started cutting - going on a strict diet with one cheat day a week. Unfortunately I don't have any before pics but here are some current pics of me at 178lb, 5'11": What do you guys think? Still got flab on my belly and bitch tits . I got rid of most of the belly and titty fat so I'm satisfied with my progress (despite it being long) - so what should I do now? I was thinking of serious bulking (clean at first, might go dirty later) but I don't want those bitch tits to come back again. Cutting is really getting to me but it'd be nice if I could get rid of my flab soon before I start the real bulking (which I can't wait for ) Any help is appreciated guys! Thanks in advance

The only problem if you keep cutting at this point, is it doesn't look like you're cutting to much. If you keep cutting you'll just look scrawny and you'll probably still have that belly for quite a while. What's your workout routine like now? I'd say go ahead and start clean bulking, Lift heavy 3-4 times a week and be sure to hit every main muscle group. Focus on your compound movements (deadlifts, squats, etc) and build up a decent core. You can do isolated movements on whatever area you feel like you need to work on. I can tell by looking at your pics you'll need a lot of work on your arms, legs, abs, chest, traps, and probably back. If you're lifting heavy enough you should start putting on some muscle fairly rapidly and your muscles will continue to burn calories after you work out - which should help burn some fat. So my suggestion for now would be to clean bulk until you get to an appearance (lower body fat) that you can tolerate, then go full-on bulking until you get a decent build. For your reference:

i'd personally cut down to like 14-15% and then start bulking. just keep the protein high and watch the cals. i'm sure some here will tell you to just bulk now. i personally wouldnt bulk off of that. but if you want to.. go for it.

Cool - quick responses My routine (almost everything done max ot style 4-6 reps): Monday (Back/Bicep):BB Rows x 2 (60kg for 4 reps) Cable PullThroughs x 2 (weight irrelevant... machines all diff) Cable Lat Pulldowns x 2 (weight irrelevant... machines all diff) Hammer Curls x 2 (12.5kg for 8 reps) Wednesday (Chest/Shoulders/Abs):DB Flat Bench x 2 (22.5kg for 4 reps) DB Incline Bench x 2 (20kg for 4 reps) Plate Raises x 2 (15kg for 6 reps) BB Upright Rows x 2 (35kg for 6 reps) Cable Stability Ball Crunches x 3 (weight irrelevant... machines all diff) Friday (Thighs/Triceps/Forearms):BB Squats x 2 (95kg for 6 reps - best was 100kg for 2 reps) BB SLDLs x 2 (60kg for 6 reps) Cable Triceps Pushdowns x 2 (weight irrelevant... machines all diff) BB Decline CG Bench x 2 (50kg for 6 reps) DB Wrist Curls x 2 (15kg for 8 reps) BB Reverse Wrist Curls x 2 (15kg for 8 reps) Btw, my goals for now are to get a bodybuilder frame - which will give me a base to start a Westside routine as I'm interested in PLing.

Oh and some of you may think that I should be doing other exercises... as I said earlier, I've been going to the gym for 10 months and I've learned to cycle off movements I've plateaued in. In the last couple of weeks I cycled off BB benching, DB arnold presses, BB curls, etc.

Aye, I don't plan on going down the middle road - either pure bulk or pure cut. I'm thinking about christophers' routine. Either that or high volume max ot. To be honest, I really want to bulk. Stuffing my face in a fuckload of food (clean food for now ) would be absolute heaven. This cutting shit is making me dread going to the gym when I once loved it, making me grumpy and basically turning me into an asshole at times . So the only things that are holding me back are:- my goddamn bitch tits - the loss of most of this was one of IMO the greatest achievement in my 20kg weight loss. I bloody hated them when I had them, I seriously don't want them to come back when I bulk. - turning back into a fat bastard again - this is probably unlikely if I lift and eat right, which is why I'm here getting assurance from you guys .

superbri007 You may very well lose fat while clean bulking, and gain some muscle. But if you devote yourself to one or the other, the results for either will be greater then the middle road. Maybe look into Christophers routine to build a base, because from the photos it seems like that would be a good thign to do. Although i'm bulking, my gut has not gotten too much bigger. If i wasn't lifting and eating this much I would probably be 175-180 lbs but really fat. I'm about 170 right now @ like 15% body fat +/- 1. just pick one, doing it this way is too slow. I say bulk

KingLouis I seriously don't want them to come back when I bulk. - turning back into a fat bastard again - this is probably unlikely if I lift and eat right, which is why I'm here getting assurance from you guys . you're going to gain some fat when you bulk if you do it right, HOWEVER, you've already shown that you can diet down and lose the fat. The first time is always the hardest.

jesus christ, why would be cutting even be an option. bulk man, BULK.

Werdna jesus christ, why would be cutting even be an option. bulk man, BULK. he speaks the truth trust me, you'll (probably) be much happier being a little fatter with a lot more muscle, as opposed to being pudgy with very little muscle.... I'm fatter than when I started, but I'm a fuckload happier with how I look now. Look at it for the long term - do you want to be small and skinny just so you don't have to feel fat right now? IMO, you should eat, lift, GFH for a year or so. If you do it right, you can gain a solid 30+ lbs of muscle and look a hell of a lot better, even with added fat. Diet down, and viola, you have the body you always wanted, but never thought you could have. You just have to think long term

SteveO just pick one, doing it this way is too slow. I say bulk Oh when I mentioned "clean" I meant that I wanted to get my excess calories from a clean source if possible. I know how you guys are with how useless clean bulking is when dirty bulking gets the job done better . For now, I'll get my 'calories in' from clean foods like chicken breast and tuna. So if the adequate bulking calories for me is like 5000, then I'll get it from clean foods. And when the time comes and it reaches 6-7k calories, maccas it is . Which reminds me, what should my calores in be if I bulk? When I cut I did body weight in pounds times 12 = my calories in, so what is it for a bulker?

shastaisforwinners IMO, you should eat, lift, GFH for a year or so. Sorry, but what does GFH mean?

Get Fucking Huge

build a decent base and go from there, so in short, bulk

Haha that was a quick reply

5000 calories is a bit much, I would say start at 3000 and adjust up based on your gains. IMO, 5000+ is just going to get you fat in a hurry.

also, check out Werdna's progress pics. He looks a shit ton better after bulking than he did before, even with the added fat - like night and day difference. Remember that if you are gaining muscle at a faster rate than fat, you are going to look LESS fat even if you have more of it.

shastaisforwinners 5000 calories is a bit much, I would say start at 3000 and adjust up based on your gains. IMO, 5000+ is just going to get you fat in a hurry. Haha, I was just giving an example and 5k just popped into my head. It's just that I remember christophers saying that if you can get your bulking calories from clean foods, then do that. I don't think I've reached the stage when getting bulking calories needed (from clean foods) is difficult.

shastaisforwinners also, check out Werdna's progress pics. He looks a shit ton better after bulking than he did before, even with the added fat - like night and day difference. Remember that if you are gaining muscle at a faster rate than fat, you are going to look LESS fat even if you have more of it. Aye, I've been lurking on this forum for a while and I do remember his progress pics but I don't think he was ever fat before his bulking. But yeah, I don't mind having a few bits of flab here and there on the belly or on my obs - just those damn bitch tits.

you can always add some flax or olive oil to your shakes, food, whatever for some easy extra calories, plus the added benefits of good fats. Natural peanut butter, etc also

yeah, he wasn't fat before. I just mean that he looks better in the progress pics, even with the added fat because he gained a lot more muscle than fat.

shastaisforwinners 5000 calories is a bit much, I would say start at 3000 and adjust up based on your gains. IMO, 5000+ is just going to get you fat in a hurry. don't be scared, eat. People that barely have calories over maintenance are the people that still weigh less than 200 lbs

true, but you also have a much better metabolism and genetics than the average person (based on you eating 8000+ cal/day and still remaining fairly lean). Most people just can't do that. The problem I see with hiim starting off at 5000 cal/day is that he's going to see some fat gain and probably freak out, then start dieting in a month and losing most of the muscle he just put on. If he's already worried about fat, he probably won't stick to a high calorie diet for very long

SteveO don't be scared, eat. People that barely have calories over maintenance are the people that still weigh less than 200 lbs not everyone needs 8k calories to gain. for everyone except you thats overkill

gsteclipse97 not everyone needs 8k calories to gain. for everyone except you thats overkill Agreed. 8K calories...

Cutting/Bulking - where should I proceed from here? *pics*

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