Saturday, January 18, 2014



I am a bit confused on whether or not insulin is a good thing or a bad thing. Will someone please explain insulin and its positive and negative effects concerning body building?

Insulin is a very good thing, it helps your body regulate blood sugar level. Not being able to produce enough insulin is known as diabetes, which I'm sure you know is a bad thing. The only effect it has on body building specifically (or working out) in increasing creatine absorption. I'm sure someone will have an article or more detailed description.

ralyks The only effect it has on body building specifically (or working out) in increasing creatine absorption.

Ceaze hahahahahahahahaha same thing i did.....insulin is not for anyone on this board. Frankly i dont even want you people taking about it.

Basically, insulin will increase protein synthesis, decrease protein breakdown, and increase fat storage. You want higher insulin levels when bulking and lower insulin levels when cutting, in general terms.

Ceaze Ok, maybe not. Mind sharing? Edit: posted before me, thanks.

Perplexed So what increases and decreases insulin? I should know stuff like this, my dad is a diabetic. carbs....protein will also, but not as much as carbs do

Stabbing yourself with your dads needle would create a rise or fall too

Ceaze d increase fat storage. . as a general rule yes. But it's not always like that. Maybe I'm an anomoly.


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