Friday, January 10, 2014

Need suggestion...

Need suggestion...

Alright i'm pretty out of shape right now so tomorrow im going to purchase a membership to my old gym. Now one problem i've always had where my shoes. I normally wear New Balance when i run but they seem to suck. Can anyone suggest a good brand even model shoe for running? The cost isnt a factor if im going to be comfortable. I will be using the shoes both on a treadmill and at a local track. Thank for any advice.

your going to join a gym for the treadmill ?

rhino Alright i'm pretty out of shape right now so tomorrow im going to purchase a membership to my old gym. Now one problem i've always had where my shoes. I normally wear New Balance when i run but they seem to suck. Can anyone suggest a good brand even model shoe for running? The cost isnt a factor if im going to be comfortable. I will be using the shoes both on a treadmill and at a local track. Thank for any advice. My advice to you would be go to a local running store and get properly fitted. When it comes to working out and shoes, they know whats best.

Silver85327 your going to join a gym for the treadmill ? not just for a treadmill, but to lift as well. im just wanting a suggestion for a good running shoe.

rhino not just for a treadmill, but to lift as well. im just wanting a suggestion for a good running shoe. Ive been seeing some comercials for shoes called Z Coil I dont know if they are good or not but they look comfortable.

Silver85327 Ive been seeing some comercials for shoes called Z Coil I dont know if they are good or not but they look comfortable. WTF? Pretty crazy looking.

I use Nike shoes with the Shox technology. I'm flat footed and these shoes don't hurt my feet at all. They have a lot of models too and are always on sale. Hope that helps.

thanks guys. i guess i will stop by local foot store and see what they suggest and try some shox. much appreciation.

rhino WTF? Pretty crazy looking. They look comfy dont they...

Silver85327 They look comfy dont they... actually yes they do. the closest retail store is 2 hours away from me though. maybe next time i'm near the retail store i will go try a pair on.

rhino actually yes they do. the closest retail store is 2 hours away from me though. maybe next time i'm near the retail store i will go try a pair on. Let me know what you think. I havent had a chance to go to the store here and try them on yet.

Silver85327 Let me know what you think. I havent had a chance to go to the store here and try them on yet. it wont be for awhile but when i do try them, i will post it up in F&N.

Need suggestion...

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